Scholarly Commons - Space Traffic Management Conference: Integration of Reusable Spacecraft into the National Airspace System

Presentation Type



Henderson Welcome Center

Start Date

16-11-2016 5:30 PM


In the rapidly evolving world of Aviation the traffic density above the United States will continue to worsen. New Technologies like Unmanned Aircraft and an increase in commercial aircraft traffic will strain the National Airspace System.. More and more launches are occurring from the United States, and this will stain the increasingly crowded airspace above us. In order to find a solution new technologies of the FAA NextGen program can be utilised to evolve space traffic management in our airspace. Especially reusable spacecraft which will transcend the airspace the most often, and sometimes from conventional airports. Instead of closing large portions of our airspace, we should integrate these crafts into the current system. Technologies such as ADS-B and TCAS can provide live GPS tracking for spacecraft and let them communicate to convention aircraft and UAS systems. It is time spacecraft become part of our NAS not an anomaly that closes it.


Nov 16th, 5:30 PM

Integration of Reusable Spacecraft into the National Airspace System

Henderson Welcome Center

In the rapidly evolving world of Aviation the traffic density above the United States will continue to worsen. New Technologies like Unmanned Aircraft and an increase in commercial aircraft traffic will strain the National Airspace System.. More and more launches are occurring from the United States, and this will stain the increasingly crowded airspace above us. In order to find a solution new technologies of the FAA NextGen program can be utilised to evolve space traffic management in our airspace. Especially reusable spacecraft which will transcend the airspace the most often, and sometimes from conventional airports. Instead of closing large portions of our airspace, we should integrate these crafts into the current system. Technologies such as ADS-B and TCAS can provide live GPS tracking for spacecraft and let them communicate to convention aircraft and UAS systems. It is time spacecraft become part of our NAS not an anomaly that closes it.