Space Traffic Update
Presentation Type
Paper (supporting PowerPoints may be added as Additional Files)
Henderson Welcome Center
Start Date
18-1-2018 1:30 PM
End Date
18-1-2018 3:15 PM
Leaders from the FAA have testified that now is the time to begin a civil space traffic program to address the growing safety issues of orbital safety. In the first 60 years of space launch the world lofted just under 8,000 payloads. Roughly 1700 of those payloads are currently actively providing science, serving exploration, beaming communications signals, and providing other valued space based services. In the next 5 to 10 years the number of payloads that will be launch exceed the number of payloads from the last half-century of spaceflight and the number of active payloads will increase five-fold. Additional safety services are essential to the continued growth of commercial space activities. A civil safety service can ensure commercial activities receive the dedicated products necessary to protect space operations and preserve the space environment for future use. The Space Traffic Update presentation covers the current state of play on the development of Space Traffic programs.
Jan 18th, 1:30 PM
Jan 18th, 3:15 PM
Space Traffic Update
Henderson Welcome Center
Leaders from the FAA have testified that now is the time to begin a civil space traffic program to address the growing safety issues of orbital safety. In the first 60 years of space launch the world lofted just under 8,000 payloads. Roughly 1700 of those payloads are currently actively providing science, serving exploration, beaming communications signals, and providing other valued space based services. In the next 5 to 10 years the number of payloads that will be launch exceed the number of payloads from the last half-century of spaceflight and the number of active payloads will increase five-fold. Additional safety services are essential to the continued growth of commercial space activities. A civil safety service can ensure commercial activities receive the dedicated products necessary to protect space operations and preserve the space environment for future use. The Space Traffic Update presentation covers the current state of play on the development of Space Traffic programs.
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