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The Strauss Center for International and Security Law at University of Texas – Austin and the Spaceflight Operations Program and Applied Aviation Sciences Department of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s College of Aviation, are pleased to announce their collaboration for the 5th Annual Space Traffic Management Conference “Progress through Collaboration”. The conference will be held in Austin, Texas 26 & 27 February 2019 in the Bass Auditorium at UT – Austin. Dr. Moriba Jah and Dr. Diane Howard will be your hosts.
To this end, we invite your papers of 4,500 to 6,000 words. Abstracts may be up to 250 words and must indicate the precise title of the paper, the area of interest, the author’s full name and affiliation, and complete contact information including an email address. The language of the conference is English. To submit an abstract, use the Submit Abstract link in the sidebar under the Author Corner.
The STM conference takes place at the
Bass Lecture Hall, LBJ School of Public Affairs
2315 Red River Street
Austin, TX 78712
The Bass Hall is located on the basement level
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2019 Registration is Now Closed
Event timetable:
Abstract deadline 1 December 2018
Abstract decisions 15 December 2018
Deadline for paper submission 15 January 2019
Deadline for presentations 15 February 2019
Conference 26 & 27 February 2019
Earlybird registration 30 September – 15 November 2018
Hotel Accommodations:
- AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center - Austin UT
- Hampton Inn and Suites Austin at the University/Capitol
As in years past, we will continue to build upon our previous conference work. This year’s transdisciplinary focus will be on major elements of US Space Policy Directive 3 (SPD-3). Proposed papers should address transparency and predictability of the Space Domain. You can’t Manage what you don’t Know and you don’t Know what you don’t Measure!
We encourage papers encompassing the STM topics listed below. Legal and policy perspectives regarding any topic are welcome.
- Range Management
- Commercial, Civil, and Military Range Safety Continuity
- Security issues including cyber
- Range Technology Modernization
- NAS Integration
- High Altitude Balloon impact upon the NAS
- Impacts of Microsatellites upon the NAS
- Integration of Air Traffic and Space Traffic Control Systems
- Communication Standards for Space Traffic
- Space Situational Awareness
- Resident Space Object Taxonomy and Classification to Aid Regulation and Space Traffic Management
- Space debris remediation, mitigation, and SSA technologies
- Unique Resident Space Object Identification (URSOI) and how to achieve it
- Space Object and Event Data Curation, Sharing, and Exploitation
- Multi-Source Information Fusion, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine/Deep Learning
- Spacecraft Anomalies, Mission Assurance, and Causal Relationships
- Impacts upon spectrum management
- International initiatives
- Space Environment Effects and Impacts
- Resultant Resident Space Object Behavior and Discovering These from Big Data
- Launch and Space Flight Meteorology
- Space Wx forecasting
- Related Issues
- Decision-making with incomplete and biased information
- UN Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) and COPUOS
- Military Use of Outer Space and Dual Use Technology
- Role of human factors in STM
- Industry’s role
- Industry requirements
- International initiates and concerns