Presentation Type
PowerPoint only (no paper)
Bass Auditorium
Start Date
26-2-2019 2:00 PM
Nanosats (and CubeSats, ‘Smallsats’, etc.) are of order 10 cm in size, and are at or near the limits of what can be tracked and characterized, using existing space surveillance assets. Additionally, given the CubeSat form-factor, they are often launched in large numbers (scores), and can be virtually identical. Thus are they difficult to track and to identify.
We have identified a number of technologies that future nanosat missions could employ that would enhance the trackability and/or identification of their satellites when on-orbit. Some of these technologies require active illumination of the satellite with electromagnetic energy, either in the radio frequency region, or in the optical frequency region, and some are passive in nature. We have also enumerated a number of techniques that observers might employ to facilitate tracking and/or identification of small space objects that do not carry any special tracking or identification technology.
From a space traffic management perspective, objects that can “self report” their orbital information and identity can help to relieve some of the surveillance burden from space surveillance assets.
Area of Interest
Space Situational Awareness
NanoSatID_presentation (1).potx (14423 kB)
Original PowerPoint
Original PowerPoint
Included in
Air and Space Law Commons, Other Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons, Space Vehicles Commons

Feb 26th, 2:00 PM
Nanosat tracking and identification techniques and technologies
Bass Auditorium
Nanosats (and CubeSats, ‘Smallsats’, etc.) are of order 10 cm in size, and are at or near the limits of what can be tracked and characterized, using existing space surveillance assets. Additionally, given the CubeSat form-factor, they are often launched in large numbers (scores), and can be virtually identical. Thus are they difficult to track and to identify.
We have identified a number of technologies that future nanosat missions could employ that would enhance the trackability and/or identification of their satellites when on-orbit. Some of these technologies require active illumination of the satellite with electromagnetic energy, either in the radio frequency region, or in the optical frequency region, and some are passive in nature. We have also enumerated a number of techniques that observers might employ to facilitate tracking and/or identification of small space objects that do not carry any special tracking or identification technology.
From a space traffic management perspective, objects that can “self report” their orbital information and identity can help to relieve some of the surveillance burden from space surveillance assets.