On a traffic collision avoidance system for planetary exploration
Presentation Type
Paper (supporting PowerPoints may be added as Additional Files)
Bass Auditorium
Start Date
26-2-2019 11:00 AM
As mankind continues on its exploration of the universe, the reality of extra-terrestrial settlements for scientific, touristic or commercial activities is taking shape. The plans are not only for the human exploration of Mars but also for the mining of rare or useful resources in moons and asteroids. Such endeavors would be mainly carried by autonomous rovers that would mine available resources for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) or shipment back to Earth.
Knowing this, there is a need to approach the traffic of these rovers in planetary bodies so that international laws are respected, land allocation is respected, incidents such as inter-spacecraft collisions are avoided and location tracking is reliable, available and accurate. In this paper, the aforementioned aspects will be further developed to derive the proposed solution. It consists in the adaptation of the current ADS-B transponder technology used for air traffic collision avoidance system using precision location services provided by a constellation of CubeSats orbiting the planetary body in question. Advantages of this concept are attributed to its simple design and use of previously proven technology to allow for short inexpensive technological development.
Area of Interest
Space Situational Awareness
Feb 26th, 11:00 AM
On a traffic collision avoidance system for planetary exploration
Bass Auditorium
As mankind continues on its exploration of the universe, the reality of extra-terrestrial settlements for scientific, touristic or commercial activities is taking shape. The plans are not only for the human exploration of Mars but also for the mining of rare or useful resources in moons and asteroids. Such endeavors would be mainly carried by autonomous rovers that would mine available resources for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) or shipment back to Earth.
Knowing this, there is a need to approach the traffic of these rovers in planetary bodies so that international laws are respected, land allocation is respected, incidents such as inter-spacecraft collisions are avoided and location tracking is reliable, available and accurate. In this paper, the aforementioned aspects will be further developed to derive the proposed solution. It consists in the adaptation of the current ADS-B transponder technology used for air traffic collision avoidance system using precision location services provided by a constellation of CubeSats orbiting the planetary body in question. Advantages of this concept are attributed to its simple design and use of previously proven technology to allow for short inexpensive technological development.
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