Scholarly Commons - Space Traffic Management Conference: International Organization for Standardization (ISO) activities for Long-Term Sustainability (LTS) of Space Activities

Presentation Type

PowerPoint only (no paper)


Bass Auditorium

Start Date

27-2-2019 3:30 PM


About ISO

  • ISO established in 1947 to promote standards in international trade, communications, and manufacturing
  • ISO general consultative status with UN ECOSOC since 1947 •ISO is an independent, non-governmental organization made up of members from national standards bodies of 163 countries
  • “World's largest developer of international standards”
  • “One country, one vote”


Visit the International Panel session



Feb 27th, 3:30 PM

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) activities for Long-Term Sustainability (LTS) of Space Activities

Bass Auditorium

About ISO

  • ISO established in 1947 to promote standards in international trade, communications, and manufacturing
  • ISO general consultative status with UN ECOSOC since 1947 •ISO is an independent, non-governmental organization made up of members from national standards bodies of 163 countries
  • “World's largest developer of international standards”
  • “One country, one vote”