NAS Integration Part 1: Getting There and Back
Bass Auditorium
Start Date
26-2-2019 9:15 AM
End Date
26-2-2019 10:45 AM
Area of Interest
NAS Integration
- Addressing the Challenges to Aviation from Evolving Space Transportation. Darrell Pennington and Stephen Browning, Airline Pilots Association
- Assessment of the Impact of Air Launch Operations on Air Traffic in Europe. Sven Kaltenhaeuser DLR
- Sharing Airspace: Simulation of Commercial Space Launch Impacts on Airlines and Finding Solutions. Janet Tinoco,; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University College of Business
- Space Launch and Reentry Operations Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Concept. Catherine Bolczak; Mitre
- Real-Time Space Vehicle and Air Traffic Integration Considering Potential Vehicle Failures and Hazards. Elliott Porterfeld; ACTA
- Stephen Browning
- Sven Kaltenhaeuser
- Janet Tinoco
- Catherine Bolczak
- Elliott Porterfeld

Feb 26th, 9:15 AM
Feb 26th, 10:45 AM
NAS Integration Part 1: Getting There and Back
Bass Auditorium