How did you fall in love with the Student Union? The Mori Hosseini Student Union is turning five in Fall 2023. We are collecting the narrative history of the Student Union and the people who have made memories during its first five years. The stories and personal accounts shared will be kept for historical purposes and may be used in the future to tell our campus community story. We accept written stories, videos, pictures, and audio formats.

Assistance with audio/video file creation for this project is available through the CCDM.  The CCDM accepts appointments via this link for people to use the video or audio equipment to record their stories.

Submit your Student Union Story

Account login tips:

  • For current ERAU faculty, staff, and students, please use your ERNIE credentials when logging in (ex: smithj45, do not use your full email address).
  • Alumni and all other users should use your full email address and you will be required to create an account with Digital Commons (bepress) if you do not currently have an account.

For more information on the Student Union Memory Project, contact
