Submitting Campus
Daytona Beach
Student Status
Study Abroad
Advisor Name
Dr. Kelly George
Second Advisor Name
Wes Lewis
The purpose of this research is to investigate the lasting impacts the Norse settlers had on Iceland’s environment and people. While in Iceland, a field journal was kept to record observations and notes. An interview was conducted on the various ways Vikings have left their mark on Iceland with the group's tour guide. It was discovered the Norse settlers’ deforestation of Iceland was the tipping point for the environment. Without the birch forests and other plants, the soil became loose and vulnerable to the strong winds of Iceland. Despite the Vikings’ role in the environment, it was observed that Icelanders are very proud of their Norse heritage.
Document Type
Undergraduate Research
Scholarly Commons Citation
Blanks, N. J. (2018). Viking and Norse Settlers and Their Lasting Impact on Iceland and Its People. , (). Retrieved from