Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Daytona Beach
Faculty/Staff Department
Civil Engineering
Student Year and Major
Senioe, Civil Engineering
Presentation Description/Abstract
Sustainability is meeting our present needs without affecting those of the future. Buildings, goods, and services all need to become sustainable so that we can achieve our current goals without impact on future generations. The study’s goal is to develop a sustainability plan for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach, Florida campus. Our plan consists of three components: Campus Awareness, Environmental Concern, and Administration Advocacy. Campus Awareness involves semesterly engagement and outreach events with students and faculty to educate them on the importance of sustainability. Environmental Concern addresses Embry-Riddle and ongoing construction projects to accommodate the increase in student population. The goal is to assess the implications of new construction being LEED for Building Design and Construction (LEED BD+C) certified. Administration Advocacy is crucial for sustainable efforts to be pushed forward such as providing the proper and necessary infrastructure (recycling bins) around campus in hopes of having them located in every building. In order to reach our goals, we plan to use the 3 Overlapping Circles Model. This model allows for the social, environmental, and economic factors of our sustainability plan to work independently until the plan is fully implemented. Once those three components overlap, our sustainability plan for Campus will be achieved. To ensure that we are creating a sustainable future on campus, we need to talk with our stakeholders to include the students, faculty, governing agencies, and others involved with the planning and construction of our sustainable design. Without Eagle Vision, our campus and its future will be jeopardized.
Sustainability, Administration Advocacy, Environmental Concern
Eagle Vision: A Sustainability Plan for All Eagles
Sustainability is meeting our present needs without affecting those of the future. Buildings, goods, and services all need to become sustainable so that we can achieve our current goals without impact on future generations. The study’s goal is to develop a sustainability plan for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach, Florida campus. Our plan consists of three components: Campus Awareness, Environmental Concern, and Administration Advocacy. Campus Awareness involves semesterly engagement and outreach events with students and faculty to educate them on the importance of sustainability. Environmental Concern addresses Embry-Riddle and ongoing construction projects to accommodate the increase in student population. The goal is to assess the implications of new construction being LEED for Building Design and Construction (LEED BD+C) certified. Administration Advocacy is crucial for sustainable efforts to be pushed forward such as providing the proper and necessary infrastructure (recycling bins) around campus in hopes of having them located in every building. In order to reach our goals, we plan to use the 3 Overlapping Circles Model. This model allows for the social, environmental, and economic factors of our sustainability plan to work independently until the plan is fully implemented. Once those three components overlap, our sustainability plan for Campus will be achieved. To ensure that we are creating a sustainable future on campus, we need to talk with our stakeholders to include the students, faculty, governing agencies, and others involved with the planning and construction of our sustainable design. Without Eagle Vision, our campus and its future will be jeopardized.