Divert the Waste

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


Daytona Beach



Student Year and Major

Junior and Senior, Human Factors Psychology

Presentation Description/Abstract

“Divert the Waste”

Ketura Balabyekkubo and Jack Crichton

Sodexo is a chain of production at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University that provides food and beverages to faculty and students through the Refueling Station, Boundless, Propellers, and Legacy Walk Wings Food Truck. Before Covid-19, the university used to practice more environmentally friendly ways to distribute said produce with minimal single-usage container waste. Now, there are more containers being used and thrown away by the community at Embry Riddle, which in turn, only continues to feed into pollution. Results of an audit revealed that all of these small establishments use cardboard, plastic, and styrofoam take-away containers, plastic cups, and plastic bottles. In order to reduce this waste, this poster proposes a “Divert the Waste” program in which students will be able to bring their own containers on campus. Students will be incentivized through participation in rewards programs should they choose to bring their own reusable containers. In addition, a weekly food market will take place giving faculty and students the opportunity to use their containers to ascertain free or discounted produce that would otherwise be wasted due to it being close or past its expiration date. Preliminary data collected from the ERAU students shows that the issue at hand is not lack of will, but more so a lack of convenience for the community on campus. Details of the“Divert the Waste”rewards program will be revealed in this poster, encouraging the community to participate in these efforts and bring their own containers from home, save money, and reduce waste.


Reducing Waste, sustainability, divert, plastics, food market



Divert the Waste

“Divert the Waste”

Ketura Balabyekkubo and Jack Crichton

Sodexo is a chain of production at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University that provides food and beverages to faculty and students through the Refueling Station, Boundless, Propellers, and Legacy Walk Wings Food Truck. Before Covid-19, the university used to practice more environmentally friendly ways to distribute said produce with minimal single-usage container waste. Now, there are more containers being used and thrown away by the community at Embry Riddle, which in turn, only continues to feed into pollution. Results of an audit revealed that all of these small establishments use cardboard, plastic, and styrofoam take-away containers, plastic cups, and plastic bottles. In order to reduce this waste, this poster proposes a “Divert the Waste” program in which students will be able to bring their own containers on campus. Students will be incentivized through participation in rewards programs should they choose to bring their own reusable containers. In addition, a weekly food market will take place giving faculty and students the opportunity to use their containers to ascertain free or discounted produce that would otherwise be wasted due to it being close or past its expiration date. Preliminary data collected from the ERAU students shows that the issue at hand is not lack of will, but more so a lack of convenience for the community on campus. Details of the“Divert the Waste”rewards program will be revealed in this poster, encouraging the community to participate in these efforts and bring their own containers from home, save money, and reduce waste.