Mobile-Friendly Bicycle Map for Sustainable Transportation

Presentation Type

Long presentation (faculty/staff) 15-20 minutes


Daytona Beach



Faculty/Staff Department

Physical Sciences

Start Date

13-11-2023 9:00 AM

Presentation Description/Abstract

Only 500 Gigatons of carbon emissions remain in world's carbon budget to keep global temperature change below a 1.5° C, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Recent analyses show the United States transportation sector has led all other sectors (power, industry, buildings, agriculture, oil & gas) in carbon emissions. The ERAU community can collectively reduce transportation emissions through trips shifted from single-occupancy cars to van pools, buses and bicycles. People shifting to bicycles face impediments such as the lack of adequate infrastructure and traffic stress from cars. Based on 17 years of cycling for transportation in the Daytona Beach area, I developed a geospatial PDF map of cycling routes. Using the map within the Avenza Maps app, map users can see their real-time location on the map using only the GPS signal on their phone, no internet connection required. I will share how the map was created and the map's attributes.


Transportation, Bicycles, Maps, Geographical Information Systems


The free bicycle transportation map for Daytona Beach is available here:


Nov 13th, 9:00 AM

Mobile-Friendly Bicycle Map for Sustainable Transportation

Only 500 Gigatons of carbon emissions remain in world's carbon budget to keep global temperature change below a 1.5° C, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Recent analyses show the United States transportation sector has led all other sectors (power, industry, buildings, agriculture, oil & gas) in carbon emissions. The ERAU community can collectively reduce transportation emissions through trips shifted from single-occupancy cars to van pools, buses and bicycles. People shifting to bicycles face impediments such as the lack of adequate infrastructure and traffic stress from cars. Based on 17 years of cycling for transportation in the Daytona Beach area, I developed a geospatial PDF map of cycling routes. Using the map within the Avenza Maps app, map users can see their real-time location on the map using only the GPS signal on their phone, no internet connection required. I will share how the map was created and the map's attributes.