Browse Journals

Beyond: Undergraduate Research Journal (Journals)

ISSN 2332-130x

The Beyond: Undergraduate Research Journal is the peer-reviewed research publication of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Office of Undergraduate Research. The journal features research manuscripts, literature reviews, and technical reports by undergraduate students at the Daytona Beach, Prescott, and Worldwide campuses.

To learn more about this publication, read About This Journal.

Beyond accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Please note: you must have an account in Scholarly Commons to submit a manuscript. Click on My Account to log-in or create a new account. To upload a manuscript for consideration, click on the Submit Article link. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at

Black Box (Magazines)

The Black Box is a creative publication dedicated to displaying the talented work of the Embry-Riddle community. Creativity and ingenuity flow throughout ERAU and we want to put it on display.

To view all content, including the most recent issue click here

Faculty Innovative Research in Science and Technology (FIRST) Program



Faculty Innovative Research in Science and Technology (FIRST) Program



 The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost is pleased to announce that proposals are now being accepted for the Faculty Innovative Research in Science and Technology (FIRST) program for academic year 2022-2023. The awards will begin on July 1, 2022, and end on June 30, 2023.

Increasing the national recognition of our research and growing our externally-funded research are two key objectives of the university. This program contributes to these objectives by providing stimulus funding to faculty who are starting their research careers, and to those faculty embarking on research that the university considers to be high impact and that, in the long term, would lead to substantial recognition for the researcher and the university.

The program provides seed funding for high-impact projects to allow researchers to develop their ideas to a level of maturity that will make them more competitive in applying for substantial external research funding. Publishable research and/or product development are also expected outcomes of this support. This component of the program is open to all full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty.

The program also provides seed funding for junior faculty (primarily tenure-track assistant professors) to enable them to get a strong start on their research. Awardees are expected to perform publishable research. It is also expected that they will elevate their research to a level that allows them to begin developing proposals for external funding, where such funding sources exist.

Funding is available in two categories: Category-A for those projects which constitute groundbreaking and/or high impact research in areas of science and technology (S&T) across all three campuses; and Category-B for smaller S&T or non-S&T related projects (e.g., humanities projects, business projects, etc.).

  • Category-A awards will be made up to a maximum of $26,000 for those projects considered “high-impact” S&T research. Note that the actual number funded in this category will depend on the number, quality and relevance of applications submitted in this category.
  • Category-B awards will be made up to a maximum of $13,000 for projects considered to be non-S&T related research or for smaller S&T projects.

Eligibility and review criteria are detailed for each of the two categories on pages 2 and 3.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Proposals are due no later than 1:00 p.m. EDT Friday, February 4, 2022. Please see proposal preparation and submission instructions on page 5. Complete schedule and deadlines can be found in Deadlines and Schedule table on page 5



  • Applicants are encouraged to:
    • Consult with a Grants Analyst to assist with the proposal preparation prior to the deadline. Contact Yadan Komrowski 386-226-4787 –
    • Seek guidance, as needed, on technical proposal writing issues (e.g. from respective Associate Dean for Research, representative on the University Research Council, or a mentor).
  • Full proposal packages must be submitted by the application deadline per the Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions in order to be reviewed.
  • Incomplete proposals will not be reviewed.

The period of performance for all awards will be one year beginning at the start of the fiscal year (July 1, 2022) and must be spent within the same fiscal year (by June 30, 2023). Funds will be appropriated as the research is being conducted during the award’s period of performance. Proposals are encouraged from all university campuses. Award decisions will be made based on how well proposals address the review criteria and on their quality.

For MORE INFORMATION download the full RFP

International Bulletin of Political Psychology (Journals)

International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP)(1996-2011)
IBPP was an electronic weekly designed to sensitize social scientists, public officials, mass media representatives, informed citizenry, social activists, and security/intelligence practitioners to the psychology of politics and the politics of psychology. IBPP provided short articles identifying the relevance of psychological research to politics especially bearing on strategic and tactical security and intelligence issues. The intent was facilitate the understanding, explanation, control, influence, and prediction of the social world. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Scholarly Commons contains the majority of the content from the original publication (and more of these articles are being added).

The new International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) (2018-2021 ) continues with this original mission with a Key Word Search capability through its archived data, adding new articles and other textual and audio-visual materials, and the opportunity for readers to post comments. Subjects covered include:

  • Counterintelligence
  • Deception Detection
  • Disinformation
  • Espionage
  • Globalization
  • Interrogation
  • Nuclear Weapons Policy
  • Personnel Security
  • Profiling
  • Socio-Politics of Mental Health
  • Terrorism
  • Torture

The IBPP ceased publication in 2021.  For questions and inquiries pertaining to the journal please contact

International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace (Journals)

ISSN 2374-6793

The IJAAA is the peer-reviewed journal of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide College of Aviation. With one of the most recognized names in aviation education across the globe and almost 90 years of excellence, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides a premier publication outlet for scholars, industry stakeholders, and government entities. The editorial focus is on the global issues that are currently facing the aviation and aerospace segments.

The IJAAA is open access and there are no fees or charges required of authors or readers. The IJAAA upholds the highest standards for publication transparency and ethics. We follow the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics.

The IJAAA uses a peer-reviewed, double-blind process to evaluate academic articles. The Journal editorial staff work very hard to make your publication experience as easy and seamless as possible. Gone are the days of waiting months for decisions on your hard work. We strive to return editorial decisions within 90 days of receipt and publish articles within 120 days of receipt.

Submissions are currently closed.

NOTE: Only works listed under "articles" are peer-reviewed. Others are selected by editorial review.

Introduction to Research Methods RSCH 202 (Course Projects)

Developing effective research skills will help students not only academically but also for their professional career in the future. Data analysis, in particular, is one of the skills many organizations value. Students in the Introduction to Research Methods learn the basics of quantitative study and write a research proposal on the topic of their choice, outlining the type of data and data analysis methods they will use for the proposed research.

Submit Research

Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (Journals)

ISSN 2329-258X

The editors of the Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research (JAAER) are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue dedicated to Aviation Human Factors.


About the Journal

The (JAAER) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed scholarly publication that provides a free, open-access platform for educators and researchers in Aviation and Aerospace Academia and Industry. We publish innovative scholarship on the integration and discovery of scientific knowledge and its application to Aviation and Aerospace. Our journal has an esteemed panel of reviewers from well-respected academic, industry, and government institutions.

We invite submissions covering all dimensions of Aviation/Aerospace research and education; more specifically, we encourage submissions in original research, industrial application and design integration, education and workforce development, and reviews of important issues in Aviation and Aerospace. Our journal is inter- and cross-disciplinary in nature, covering a wide scope of areas.

  • Aviation Safety
  • Aviation Psychology, Human Factors and Ergonomics
  • Aviation/Aerospace Systems Design, integration, and Optimization
  • Modeling and Simulation in Aviation
  • Data Analytics and Statistical Analysis
  • Aviation Business
  • Aviation Education and Workforce Development 
  • Flight Training
  • Aviation Maintenance
  • Aviation Meteorology
  • Diversity and Sustainability in Aviation
  • Commercial Space Operations
  • Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS)
  • Social and Legal Issues in Aviation

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (Journals)

ISSN 1558-7223

This peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (JDFSL) focuses on the advancement of the field by publishing the state of the art in both basic and applied research conducted worldwide. We purposefully chose to use the word "cyber" in our tagline, instead of "digital," to emphasize the cyber culture surrounding computing, and the word "cyber" also extends itself beyond the technical domain of computing. The Journal’s main aims are to open up the landscape for innovation and discussion, and to continuously bridge the gap between the science and practice of cyber forensics, security and law. This journal encourages both scientists and practitioners to share their discoveries and experiences.

In the summer of 2020, the JDFSL will be transitioning its publishing policy to publish articles incrementally rather than on an issue-based format. This change will better serve the Digital Forensics community by producing high quality content while the timely subject matter is most relevant. Submissions that have gone through the double-blind peer review process and that are accepted by the JDFSL will be published and made available immediately.

The JDFSL is not taking new submissions at this time.

McNair Scholars Research Journal (Journals)

The McNair Scholars Research Journal is a scientific periodical published once per academic year in the fall term. It presents peer-reviewed research papers completed and presented during the previous academic year. Research is the cornerstone of doctoral studies and the ERAU-DB McNair Program is committed to giving its scholars the opportunity and tools necessary to learn the methods and techniques of scientific research, as well as the art of writing publishable papers. Under the guidance of their faculty mentors, who are outstanding teachers and distinguished researchers, McNair scholars learn the step-by-step process of designing research projects, reviewing the literature, conducting experiments, gathering and analyzing data, writing publishable papers, and presenting them at local, national, and international conferences.

Night Flight Journal (Journals)

Night Flight: Online Literary Journal

Night Flight is an Online Literary Journal that showcases the best in original fiction and non-fiction writing, poetry, art work, photography, and videos submitted by members of the Embry-Riddle community.

Night Flight is aimed at opening the door for expression. The students, faculty, and staff at Embry-Riddle are remarkable, and each has stories worth sharing. Night Flight is a creative platform that will inform, entertain, and inspire.

Click on the link to view the Night Flight journal in Exhibit format.