Scholarly Commons - ASEE EDGD Midyear Conference: An Analysis of Engineering Design Graphics Journal Articles - Volumes 67-78

Presentation Type

Paper Presentation

Student Poster Abstracts, available categories:

Freshman/Sophomore Engineering Design Teams


An analysis of articles published in the Engineering Design Graphics Journal (EDGJ) from 2003 - 2014 was conducted following the methodology used by Robert Chin in his 2003 study of articles published in the EDGJ from 1987 - 2002. Both studies look at feature-articles published in the EDGJ that were later indexed by ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center). ERIC provided abstract data that was compiled into a spreadsheet, which was then sorted and analyzed. The data collected from ERIC was also verified using the archives on the EDGJ website. The similar nature and analysis of the data gathered in the two studies allows direct comparisons to be made between the results of the studies.



An Analysis of Engineering Design Graphics Journal Articles - Volumes 67-78

An analysis of articles published in the Engineering Design Graphics Journal (EDGJ) from 2003 - 2014 was conducted following the methodology used by Robert Chin in his 2003 study of articles published in the EDGJ from 1987 - 2002. Both studies look at feature-articles published in the EDGJ that were later indexed by ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center). ERIC provided abstract data that was compiled into a spreadsheet, which was then sorted and analyzed. The data collected from ERIC was also verified using the archives on the EDGJ website. The similar nature and analysis of the data gathered in the two studies allows direct comparisons to be made between the results of the studies.