Scholarly Commons - ASEE EDGD Midyear Conference: 3D Spatial Visualization Instruction within an Introductory Constrait-Based CAD Modeling Course

Presentation Type

Paper Presentation

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Course content and tools, Instructional methodologies, Visualization

Student Poster Abstracts, available categories:

Freshman/Sophomore Engineering Design Teams


Since the Fall 2010 semester, spatial visualization instruction has been integrated into the Introduction to Technical Drawing and Constraint-Based Modeling course at Illinois State University. In addition to these materials, the course also includes instruction in constraint-based CAD modeling and other engineering graphics topics. During the Fall 2015 semester, students were asked to complete the PSVT:R and the MCT to assess their spatial visualization abilities at the beginning of the course. These two assessments will also be given at the end of the course to determine the impact of the course activities on students’ spatial visualization. This paper describes the activities in the course, gives demographic information on the students, presents descriptive statistics related to the pre-test scores, examines the relationship between the PSVT:R and the MCT, and compares the means on the PSVT:R and MCT between students who took the course as a requirement versus those who took it as an elective.



3D Spatial Visualization Instruction within an Introductory Constrait-Based CAD Modeling Course

Since the Fall 2010 semester, spatial visualization instruction has been integrated into the Introduction to Technical Drawing and Constraint-Based Modeling course at Illinois State University. In addition to these materials, the course also includes instruction in constraint-based CAD modeling and other engineering graphics topics. During the Fall 2015 semester, students were asked to complete the PSVT:R and the MCT to assess their spatial visualization abilities at the beginning of the course. These two assessments will also be given at the end of the course to determine the impact of the course activities on students’ spatial visualization. This paper describes the activities in the course, gives demographic information on the students, presents descriptive statistics related to the pre-test scores, examines the relationship between the PSVT:R and the MCT, and compares the means on the PSVT:R and MCT between students who took the course as a requirement versus those who took it as an elective.