Dissertations - Open Access
A Human Factors Approach for Identifying Latent Failures in Healthcare Settings, Tara N. Cohen
A Multi-Dimensional Model of Enjoyment: Development and Validation of an Enjoyment Scale (Enjoy), Shayn Davidson
An Aviation Weather Preflight Decision Support Tool to Improve GA Pilots' Preflight and Inflight Performance, Jayde M. King
A Prospective Investigation to Develop Data-Driven Interventions and Improve Process Efficiency at a Level II Trauma Center, Tracy L. Litzinger
Communication and Trust in Virtual and Face-to-Face Teams, Anthony Lee Baker
Comparing Training Effects of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation to Conventional PC-Based Flight Simulation, Tianxin Zhang
Designing Tomorrow's Reality: The Development and Validation of an Augmented and Mixed Reality Heuristic Checklist, Jessyca Derby
Development of a Descriptive Model of Flow Disruption Effect on Bypass Time in a Cardiovascular Operating Room, Timothy J. Disher
Effectiveness and User Experience of Augmented and Mixed Reality for Procedural Task Training, Emily Rickel
Effects of Gamification on Knowledge Acquisition: Aviation Weather Online Training, Jacqueline Mcsorley
EMS to Trauma Care Transitions: An Investigation of Patient and Handoff Outcomes, Richard Simonson
Evaluation of a Scientifically Developed Anesthesiology Handoff Protocol, Kristen Lise Welsh Webster
Fixation Patterns of Driving Scenes as a Function of Task Load and Task Goal, Anastasia N. Diamond
How Does Robotic Surgery Influence Communication, Leadership, and Team Outcomes? A Multimethod Examination., Jordan E. Rogers
Identifying Criteria to Predict Army Rifle Marksmanship Proficiency, Katlin Makina Anglin
It's Not Just a Game: Exploring the Effects of an Escape Room Team Building Intervention, Andrew C. Griggs
Know Your User: Building a Predictive Model of Consumer Preference for Driverless Cars, Mattie Nicole Milner
Let’s Make it a Game: Utilizing an Escape Room to Study Variables and Interventions that Impact the Development of Psychological Safety, Kimberly N. Williams
Patient Willingness to Undergo Robotic Surgery: Identification and Validation of a Predictive Model, Emily C. Anania
Predicting General Aviation Pilots’ Weather-related Performance through a Scenario-based Written Assessment, Jessica Cruit
The Aviation Illusion-Situational Judgment Test: Development and Evaluation, John Kleber
The Cost of Playing the Game: Modeling In-Game Purchase Intention and Investigating Purchase Behavior of Mobile Gamers, William J. Shelstad
The Effect of Task Load, Automation Reliability, and Environment Complexity on UAV Supervisory Control Performance, Sarah M. Sherwood
The Impact of Individual and Team-Level Variables on Burnout in Healthcare Providers, Logan M. Gisick
The Influence of Task Process and Task Structure on Transactive Memory Systems and Team Outcomes: A Meta-Regression Analysis, Crystal Fausett
The Proteus Effect and Gaming: The Impact of Digital Actors and Race in a Virtual Environment, Christopher M. Via
What Factors Predict an Anesthesiologist’s Willingness to Proceed with an Anesthetic?, Nadine K. Ragbir