The Department of Physical Sciences is home to several degree programs: Bachelor of Science in Astronomy & AstrophysicsBachelor of Science in Engineering PhysicsBachelor of Science in Space PhysicsMaster of Science in Engineering Physics; and Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Physics.

The programs offer a unique balance of engineering and physics curriculum, so students can focus on the scientific challenges and planning associated with mission design and space exploration, along with engineering fundamentals.

These programs prepare students to make positive scientific and technological contributions to our increasingly complex society. This highly research-oriented department has one of the oldest and largest Engineering Physics programs in the nation. Students are involved in all the research, which includes grants funded by NASA, the National Security Agency (NSA), and other agencies.

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Submissions from 1999


Thermal Plasmaspheric Morphology: Effect of Geomagnetic and Solar Activity, Mark Anthony Reynolds, G. Ganguli, J.A. Fedder, J. Lemaire, R.R. Meier, and D.J. Melendez-Alvira


WIYN Open Cluster Study. II. UBVRI CCD Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 188, Ata Sarajedini, Ted von Hippel, Vera Kozhurina-Platais, and Pierre Demarque


Observations and Interpretation of Gravity Wave Induced Fluctuations in the O I (557.7 nm) Airglow, G. Schubert, R. L. Walterscheid, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., and C. A. Tepley


(Teff,log g,[Fe/H]) Classification of Low-Resolution Stellar Spectra using Artificial Neural Networks, Shawn Snider, Yuan Qu, Carlos Allende Prieto, Ted von Hippel, Timothy C. Beers, Christopher Sneden, David L. Lambert, and Silvia Rossi

Submissions from 1998


Semi-Automated Extraction of Digital Objective Prism Spectra, Coryn A.L. Bailer-Jones, Ted von Hippel, and Mike Irwin


Steps Toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. XII. Ground-Based Monitoring of 3C 390.3, M. Dietrich, Terry D. Oswalt, B. M. Peterson, P. Albrecht, M. Altmann, and et al.


Detection of Intergalactic Red-Giant-Branch Stars in the Virgo Cluster, Henry C. Ferguson, Ted von Hippel, and Nial R. Tanvir


A Search for Optical Afterglow from GRB 970828, P. J. Groot, T. J. Galama, J. van Paradijs, C. Kouveliotou, R. A. M. J. Wijers, J. Bloom, N. Tanvir, R. Vanderspek, J. Greiner, A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel, T. von Hippel, M. Lehnert, K. Kuijken, H. Hoekstra, N. Metcalfe, C. Howk, C. Conselice, J. Telting, R. G. M. Rutten, J. Rhoads, A. Cole, D. J. Pisano, R. Naber, and R. Schwarz


Full-wave Modeling of Small-scale Gravity Waves using Airborne Lidar and Observations of the Hawaiian Airglow (ALOHA-93) O(¹S) Images and Coincident Na Wind/temperature Lidar Measurements, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., Michael J. Taylor, Chester S. Gardner, and Christian R. Gibbons


Contribution of White Dwarfs to Cluster Masses, Ted von Hippel


Maintenance of Circulation Anomalies during the 1988 Drought and 1993 Floods over the United States, Alan Z. Liu, Mingfang Ting, and Hailan Wang


Inversion of Plasmaspheric EUV Remote Sensing Data from the STP 72-1 Satellite, R.R. Meier, A.C. Nicholas, J.M. Picone, D.J. Melendez-Alvira, G. Ganguli, Mark Anthony Reynolds, and E.C. Roelof


Ion Bernstein Waves Driven by Two Transverse Flow Layers, Mark Anthony Reynolds and G. Ganguli


A Model for Calculating Acoustic Gravity Wave Energy and Momentum Flux in the Mesosphere from OH Airglow, Gary R. Swenson and Alan Z. Liu


Contribution of White Dwarfs to Cluster Masses, Ted von Hippel


WIYN Open Cluster Study. I. Deep Photometry of NGC188, Ted von Hippel and Ata Sarajedini


White Dwarf Cosmochronometry. I. Monte Carlo Simulations of Proper-Motion ̶ and Magnitude-Limited Samples Using Schmidt’s 1/Vmax Estimator, Matt A. Wood and Terry D. Oswalt

Submissions from 1997


Physical Parameterization of Stellar Spectra: The Neural Network Approach, Coryn A.L. Bailer-Jones, Ted von Hippel, Mike Irwin, and Gerard Gilmore


GDR in Superdeformed Nuclei, F. Camera, A. Bracco, A. Atac, R. Bark, I. G. Bearden, J. J. Gaardhoje, B. Herskind, M. Kmiecik, S. Leoni, M. Mattiuzzi, A. Maj, and G. Turri


Numerical Simulations of Gravity Waves Imaged over Arecibo during the 10-day January 1993 Campaign, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., R. L. Walterscheid, Michael J. Taylor, William Ward, G. Schubert, Qihou Zhou, Francisco Garcia, Michael C. Kelly, and G. G. Shepherd


Velocity–Space Drag and Diffusion in a Model, Two-Dimensional Plasma, Mark Anthony Reynolds, B.D. Fried, and G.J. Morales


Effect of Diurnal Convection on Trapped Thermal Plasma in the Outer Plasmasphere, Mark Anthony Reynolds, G. Ganguli, J.A. Fedder, and D.J. Melendez-Alvira


WIYN Data Distribution and Archiving, Rob Seaman and Ted von Hippel


Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra. II: Two-Dimensional Classification with Neural Networks and Principal Components Analysis, Ted von Hippel, Coryn A.L. Bailer-Jones, and Mike Irwin


Stellar Populations and the White Dwarf Mass Function: Connections To Supernova Ia Luminosities, Ted von Hippel, G. D. Bothum, and R. A. Schommer

Submissions from 1996


The Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Stellar Classification, Coryn A. L. Jones, Mike Irwin, and Ted von Hippel


High-Frequency Fluctuations of a Modulated, Helical Electron Beam, Mark Anthony Reynolds


Experimental Results of Neutron Fluence Outside an Iron Shield in the Forward Direction, M. M.C. Torres, A. J. Elwyn, D. Fein, E. James, K. Johns, W. Davis, D. P. Ciampa, and E. Mierkiewicz


Main Sequence Masses and Radii from Gravitational Redshifts, Ted von Hippel


The Metallicity Dependence of the Stellar Luminosity and Initial Mass Functions: HST Observations of Open and Globular Clusters, Ted von Hippel, Gerard Gilmore, Nial R. Tanvir, David Robinson, and Derek H.P. Jones

Submissions from 1995


A Chemical-dynamical Model of Wave-driven Sodium Fluctuations, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D. and John M.C. Plane


New Sources for the Hot Oxygen Geocorona: Solar Cycle, Seasonal, Latitudinal, and Diurnal Variations, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., P. G. Richards, and D. G. Torr


Experiences of WFPC-2 Photometry and PSF Modelling, Nial Tanvir, David Robinson, and Ted von Hippel


An Independent Calibration of Stellar Ages: HST Observations of White Dwarfs at V=25, Ted von Hippel, Gerard Gilmore, and D.H.P. Jones

Submissions from 1994


Wave-modified Mean Exothermic Heating in the Mesopause Region, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D. and R. L. Walterscheid


Automated classification of stellar spectra - I. Initial results with artificial neural networks, Ted von Hippel, L.J. Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. Storrie-Lombardi, and M.J. Irwin


Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra: Where Are We Now?, Ted von Hippel, L.J. Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. Storrie-Lombardi, and M.J. Irwin


New Sources for the Hot Oxygen Geocorona, P. G. Richards, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., and D. G. Torr


Comparison of Theories for Gravity Wave Induced Fluctuations in Airglow Emissions, R. L. Walterscheid, G. Schubert, and Michael P. Hickey Ph.D.

Submissions from 1993


Gravity Wave-Driven Fluctuations in the O2 Atmospheric (0-1) Nightglow from an Extended, Dissipative Emission Region, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., G. Schubert, and R. L. Walterscheid

Submissions from 1992


Seasonal and Latitudinal Variations of Gravity Wave-driven Fluctuations in OH Nightglow, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., R. L. Walterscheid, and G. Schubert


Galactic Structure from Faint Stromgren Photometry: The Catalog of Observations, Ted A. von Hippel

Submissions from 1991


Gravity Wave-Driven Fluctuations in OH Nightglow from an Extended, Dissipative Emission Region, G. Schubert, R. L. Walterscheid, and Michael P. Hickey Ph.D.

Submissions from 1990


The Luminosities of Bright H N Regions in Ngc 628 and Its O Star Formation Rate, Ted von Hippel and Greg Bothun

Submissions from 1988


Effects of Eddy Viscosity and Thermal Conduction and Coriolis Force in the Dynamics of Gravity Wave Driven Fluctuations in the OH Nightglow, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D.


Wavelength Dependence of Eddy Dissipation and Coriolis Force in the Dynamics of Gravity Wave Driven Fluctuations in the OH Nightglow, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D.


A Working Catalogue of Herbig Haro Objects, Ted von Hippel, S.J. Bell Burnell, and P.M. Williams

Submissions from 1986


Periods of EO and FV Comae Berenices and the Functional Forms of Their O-C Diagrams, Mark Anthony Reynolds

Submissions from 1979


Ca II H and K and Hydrogen-Line Variations in V471 Tauri (=BD + 16°516), Terry D. Oswalt