The Department of Physical Sciences is home to several degree programs: Bachelor of Science in Astronomy & AstrophysicsBachelor of Science in Engineering PhysicsBachelor of Science in Space PhysicsMaster of Science in Engineering Physics; and Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Physics.

The programs offer a unique balance of engineering and physics curriculum, so students can focus on the scientific challenges and planning associated with mission design and space exploration, along with engineering fundamentals.

These programs prepare students to make positive scientific and technological contributions to our increasingly complex society. This highly research-oriented department has one of the oldest and largest Engineering Physics programs in the nation. Students are involved in all the research, which includes grants funded by NASA, the National Security Agency (NSA), and other agencies.

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Submissions from 2015


A Statistical Study of the Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of Ion Temperature Anistrophy and Mirror Mode Occurrence in the Terrestrial Dayside Magnetosheath Using THEMIS Data, A. P. Dimmock, A. Osmane, T. I. Pulkkinen, and K. Nykyri


Self-Accleration and Instability of Gravity Wave Packets: 1. Effects of Temporal Localization, David C. Fritts, Brian Laughman, Thomas S. Lund, and Jonathan B. Snively


Gravity Wave Propagation Through a Vertically and Horizontally Inhomogeneous Background Wind, C. J. Heale and J. B. Snively


The Life Cycle of Instability Features Measured from the Andes Lidar Observatory Over Cerro Pachon on 24 March 2012, J. H. Hecht; K. Wan; Lynette Gelinas; David Fritts; R. L. Walterscheid; R. J. Rudy; Alan Liu; Steven J. Franke; Fabio Vargas; P. -D. Pautet; Michael Taylor; and Gary Swenson,


Unmanned Aerial Systems Research, Development, Education and Training at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D.


A Full-Wave Model For a Binary Gas Thermosphere: Effects of Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., R. L. Walterscheid, and G. Schubert


Bayesian Investigation of Isochrone Consistency Using the Old Open Cluster Ngc 188, Shane Hills, Ted von Hippel, Stéphane Courteau, and Aaron M. Geller


Observational Evidence of Quasi-27-Day Oscillation Propagating from the Lower Atmosphere to the Mesosphere over 20° N, K.M. Huang, Alan Liu, S.D. Zhang, F. Yi, and C.M. Huang


Asymmetric Kelvin-Helmholtz Propagation at Saturn's Dayside Magnetopause, X. Ma, B. Stauffer, P. A. Delamere, and A. Otto


The Impact of Solar Wind ULF Bz Fluctuations on Geomagnetic Activity for Viscous Timescales During Strongly Northward and Southward IMF, A. Osmane, A. P. Dimmock, R. Naderpour, T. I. Pulkkinen, and K. Nykyri


Book Review: The Scientific Exploration of Venus, T. D. Oswalt


Solar Wind Energy Input to the Magnetosheath and at the Magnetopause, T. I. Pulkkinen, A. P. Dimmock, A. Osmane, and K. Nykyri


A Sliding Mode LCO Regulation Strategy for Dual-Parallel Underactuated UAV Systems Using Synthetic Jet Actuators, N. Ramos-Pedroza, W. MacKunis, and M. Reyhanoglu


Interpreting Ulysses Data Using Inverse Scattering Theory: Oblique Alfvén Waves, Mark Anthony Reynolds, Henry R. Wheeler IV, and R.L. Hamilton


Observer-Based Sliding Mode Control of Rijke-Type Combustion Instability, Jaime Rubio-Hervas, Mahmut Reyhanoglu, and William MacKunis


Impact of Declining Proposal Success Rates on Scientific Productivity, Ted Von Hippel; Priscilla Cushman; Todd Hoeksema; Chryssa Kouveliotou; James Lowenthal; Bradley Peterson; and Keivan G. Stassun,


To Apply or Not to Apply: A Survey Analysis of Grant Writing Costs and Benefits, Ted von Hippel and Courtney von Hippel


Lower Thermospheric Response to Atmospheric Gravity Waves Induced By the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami, Yonghui Yu, Zhiyu Yan, and Michael P. Hickey Ph.D.


Dynamics of Density Cavities Generated by Frictional Heating: Formation, Distortion, and Instability, M. D. Zettergren, J. L. Semeter, and H. Dahlgren


Ionospheric Response to Infrasonic-Acoustic Waves Generated by Natural Hazard Events, M. D. Zettergren and J. B. Snively

Submissions from 2014


Development of High-Purity Optical Grade Single-Crystal CVD Diamond for Intracavity Cooling, Andrew M. Bennett, Benjamin J. Wickham, Harpreet K. Dhillon, Ying Chen, Scott Webster, Giorgio Turri, and Michael Bass


A Statistical Study of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Dayside Magnetosheath and Their Dependence on Upstream Solar Wind Conditions, A. P. Dimmock, K. Nykyri, and T. I. Pulkkinen


On UAV Robust Nonlinear Control in Presence of Parametric Uncertainties, Vladimir V. Golubev and William MacKunis


Numerical Simulation of the Long-Range Propagation of Gravity Wave Packets at High Latitudes, C. J. Heale, J. B. Snively, and M. P. Hickey


Thermospheric Dissipation of Upward Propagating Gravity Wave Packets, C. J. Heale, J. B. Snively, M. P. Hickey, and C. J. Ali


The Link Between Shocks, Turbulence and Magnetic Reconnection in Collisionless Plasmas, H. Karimabadi, V. Roytershteyn, H. X. Vu, Y. Omelchenko, J. Scudder, W. Daughton, A. Dimmock, Katariina (Heidi) Nykyri, and et al.


Three Moving Groups Detected in the LAMOST DR1 Archive, Zhao J. K., Zhao G., Y. Q. Chen, T. D. Oswalt, K. F. Tan, and Y. Zhang


Very Low Frequency Subionospheric Remote Sensing of Thunderstorm-Driven Acoustic Waves in the Lower Ionosphere, R. A. Marshall and J. B. Snively


Nonadiabatic Heating in Magnetic Reconnection, Xuanye Ma and Antonius Otto


Interaction of Magnetic Reconnection and Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes for Large Magnetic Shear: 1. Kelvin-Helmholtz Trigger, Xuanye Ma, Antonius Otto, and Peter A. Delamere


Interaction of Magnetic Reconnection and Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes for Large Magnetic Shear: 2. Reconnection Trigger, Xuanye Ma, Antonius Otto, and Peter A. Delamere


High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the Lunar Sodium Exosphere, E. J. Mierkiewicz, R. J. Oliversen, F. L. Roesler, and O. L. Lupie


A Deep Proper Motion Catalog Within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Footprint, Jeffrey A. Munn, Hugh C. Harris, Ted von Hippel, Mukremin Kilic, James W. Liebert, Kurtis A. Williams, Steven DeGenarro, Elizabeth Jeffery, and Trudy M. Tilleman


Book Review: Cosmic Dawn: The Search for the First Stars and Galaxies, T. D. Oswalt


Book Review: Planetary Rings: A Post-Equinox View 2nd Ed, T. D. Oswalt


Book Review: Robotic Exploration of the Solar System: Pt. 4: The Modern Era, 2004-2013, T. D. Oswalt


Book Review: The Observer's Guide to Planetary Motion: Explaining the Cycles of the Night Sky, T. D. Oswalt


The Geocoronal H α Cascade Component Determined from Geocoronal H β Intensity Measurements, F. L. Roesler, E. J. Mierkiewicz, and S. M. Nossal


The White Dwarfs Within 25 pc of the Sun: Kinematics and Spectroscopic Subtypes, Edward M. Sion, J. B. Holberg, Terry D. Oswalt, George P. McCook, Richard Wasatonic, and Janine Myszka


Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution with Nine Parameters (BASE-9): User's Manual, Ted von Hippel, Elliot Robinson, Elizabeth Jeffery, Rachel Wagner-Kaiser, Steven DeGennaro, Nathan Stein, David Stenning, William H. Jefferys, and David van Dyk


The Power of Principled Bayesian Methods in the Study of Stellar Evolution, Ted von Hippel, David van Dyk, David Stenning, Elliot Robinson, Elizabeth Jeffery, Nathan Stein, William Jefferys, and Erin M. O'Malley


Auroral Ionospheric F Region Density Cavity Formation and Evolution: MICA Campaign Results, M. Zettergren, K. A. Lynch, D. L. Hampton, M. Nicolls, B. Wright, and et al.

Submissions from 2013


Elevated Electron Temperatures Around Twin Sporadic E Layers at Low Latitude: Observations and the Case for a Plausible Link to Currents Parallel to the Geomagnetic Field, A. Barjatya, J. P. St. Maurice, and C. M. Swenson


Payload Charging Events in the Mesosphere and Their Impact on Langmuir Type Electric Probes, T. A. Bekkeng, Aroh Barjatya, U. P. Hoppe, A. Pedersen, J. I. Moen, M. Friedrich, and M. Rapp


The Optical Manifestation of Dispersive Field‐Aligned Bursts in Auroral Breakup Arcs, H. Dahlgren, J. L. Semeter, R. A. Marshall, and M. Zettergren


The Statistical Mapping of Magnetosheath Plasma Properties Based on THEMIS Measurements in the Magnetosheath Interplanetary Medium Reference Frame, A. P. Dimmock and K. Nykyri


Mapping of the Quasi-Periodic Oscillations at the Flank Magnetopause into the Ionosphere, E. R. Dougal, K. Nykyri, and T. W. Moore


Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of the CME Reconnection Outflow Layer in the Low Corona, Claire Foullon, Erwin Verwichte, Katariina Nykyri, Markus J. Aschwanden, and Iain G. Hannah


Multi-Instrument Comparisons of D-Region Plasma Measurements, M. Friedrich, K. M. Torkar, U. P. Hoppe, T. A. Bekkeng, A. Barjatya, and M. Rapp


Optical and Thermal Properties of Spinel with Revised (Increased) Absorption at 4 to 5 μM Wavelengths and Comparison with Sapphire, Daniel C. Harris and Giorgio Turri


Moving Objects in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, Mukremin Kilic, Alexandros Gianninas, and Ted von Hippel


Asymmetry of Magnetosheath Flows and Magnetopause Shape During Low Alfvén Mach Number Solar Wind, B. Lavraud, E. Larroque, E. Budnik, V. Génot, J. E. Borovsky, M. W. Dunlop, K. Nykyri, and et al.


Mechanisms of Field-Aligned Current Formation in Magnetic Reconnection, Xuanye Ma and Antonius Otto


Measuring the Evolutionary Rate of Cooling of ZZ Ceti, Anjum S. Mukadam, Ted von Hippel, and et al.


Impact of MHD Shock Physics on Magnetosheath Symmetry and Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability, K. Nykyri


First Magnetic Seismology of the CME Reconnection Outflow Layer in the Low Corona with 2.5-D MHD Simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability, Katariina Nykyri and Claire Foullon


A Bayesian Approach to Deriving Ages of Individual Field White Dwarfs, Erin M. O'Malley, Ted von Hippel, and David A. van Dyk


Book Review: Heart of Darkness: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe, T. D. Oswalt


Book Review: Weird Worlds: Bizarre Bodies of the Solar System and Beyond, T. D. Oswalt


Mesospheric Hydroxyl Airglow Signatures of Acoustic and Gravity Waves Generated by Transient Tropospheric Forcing, J. B. Snively


Numerical and Statistical Evidence for Long-Range Ducted Gravity Wave Propagation Over Halley, Antarctica, J. B. Snively, K. Nielsen, M. P. Hickey, C. J. Heale, M. J. Taylor, and T. Moffat-Griffin


Wave Heating and Jeans Escape in the Martian Upper Atmosphere, R. L. Walterscheid, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., and G. Schubert


Ionospheric Signatures of Acoustic Waves Generated by Transient Tropospheric Forcing, M. D. Zettergren and J. B. Snively


70 DA White Dwarfs Identified in Lamost Pilot Survey, J. K. Zhao, A. L. Luo, Terry D. Oswalt, and G. Zhao


Tracers of Chromospheric Structure. I. Ca Ii H&K Emission Distribution of 13,000 F, G, and K Stars in SDSS DR7 Spectroscopic Sample, J. K. Zhao, T. D. Oswalt, G. Zhao, Q. H. Lu, A. L. Luo, and L. Y. Zhang


Tracers of Chromospheric Structure. I. CaII H&K Emission Distribution of 13000 F, G and K Stars in SDSS DR7 Spectroscopic Sample, J. K. Zhao, T. D. Oswalt, G. Zhao, Q. H. Lu, and L. Y. Zhang

Submissions from 2012


3-D Mesoscale MHD Simulations of Magnetospheric Cusp-Like Configurations: Cusp Diamagnetic Cavities and Boundary Structure, E. Adamson, A. Otto, and K. Nykyri


Optimization of Magnetic Powdered Activated Carbon for Aqueous Hg(II) Removal and Magnetic Recovery, Emily K. Faulconer, Natalia Hoogesteijn von Reitzenstein, and David W. Mazyck


Ionospheric Signatures of Tohoku-Oki Tsunami of March 11, 2011: Model Comparisons Near the Epicenter, David A. Galvan, Attila Komjathy, Michael P. Hickey, Philip Stephens, Jonathan Snively, Y. Tony Song, Mark D. Butala, and Anthony J. Mannucci


Gravity-wave-induced Variations in Exothermic Heating in the Low-latitude, Equinox Mesophere and Lower Thermosphere Region, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D. and Tai-Yin Huang


Gravity Wave Propagation in a Diffusively Separated Gas: Effects on the Total Gas, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D. and R. L. Walterscheid


Observational Constraints on the Degenerate Mass-Radius Relation, J. B. Holberg, Terry D. Oswalt, and M. A. Barstow


Detecting Ionospheric TEC Perturbations Caused by Natural Hazards Using a Global Network of GPS Receivers: The Tohoku Case Study, A. Komjathy, D. A. Galvan, P. Stephens, M. D. Butala, V. Akopian, B. Wilson, O. Verkhoglyadova, A. J. Mannucci, and M. Hickey


Spectral Engineering of Optical Fiber Preforms Through Active Nanoparticle Doping, T. Lindstrom, E. Garber, D. Edmonson, T. Hawkins, Y. Chen, G. Turri, M. Bass, and J. Ballato


Sodium Atoms in the Lunar Exotail: Observed Velocity and Spatial Distributions, Michael R. Line, E. J. Mierkiewicz, R. J. Oliversen, J. K. Wilson, L. M. Haffner, and F. L. Roesler


Observed Seasonal Variations in Exospheric Effective Temperatures, E. J. Mierkiewicz, F. L. Roesler, and S. M. Nossal


Observed and Modeled Solar Cycle Variation in Geocoronal Hydrogen Using NRLMSISE-00 Thermosphere Conditions and the Bishop Analytic Exosphere Model, S. M. Nossal, E. J. Mierkiewicz, and F. L. Roesler


Book Review: Astronomy at the Frontiers of Science, T. D. Oswalt


Book Review: New Eyes on the Universe: Twelve Cosmic Mysteries and the Tools We Need to Solve Them, T. D. Oswalt


Book Review: The International Atlas of Mars Exploration: The First Five Decades: v.1: 1953 to 2003, T. D. Oswalt


Thrust Vector Control of an Upper-Stage Rocket with Multiple Propellant Slosh Modes, Mahmut Reyhanoglu and Jaime Rubio Hervas


Contamination Effects on Fixed-Bias Langmuir Probes, C.T. Steigies and A. Barjatya


Florida Energy Assurance Plan, Niescja E. Turner, William Murtagh, Kevin Guthrie, Katariina Nykyri, William A. Radasky, and Eric Senkowicz


An Intense Traveling Airglow Front in the Upper Mesosphere–lower Thermosphere with Characteristics of a Bore Observed over Alice Springs, Australia, during a Strong 2 Day Wave Episode, R. L. Walterscheid, J. H. Hecht, L. J. Galinas, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., and I. M. Reid


Ionospheric Plasma Transport and Loss in Auroral Downward Current Regions, M. Zettergren and J. L. Semeter


The Initial–Final Mass Relation Among White Dwarfs in Wide Binaries, J. K. Zhao, T. D. Oswalt, L. A. Willson, Q. Wang, and G. Zhao

Submissions from 2011


3-D Mesoscale MHD Simulations of a Cusp-Like Magnetic Configuration: Method and First Results, E. Adamson, A. Otto, and K. Nykyri


Particle‐in‐Cell Simulation of Incoherent Scatter Radar Spectral Distortions Related to Beam‐Plasma Interactions in the Auroral Ionosphere, M. A. Diaz, M. Oppenheim, J. L. Semeter, and M. Zettergren


The 2009 Samoa and 2010 Chile Tsunamis as Observed in the Ionosphere using GPS Total Electron Content, David A. Galvan, Attila Komjathy, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., and Anthony J. Mannucci


Gravity Wave Heating and Cooling of the Thermosphere: Sensible Heat Flux and Viscous Flux of Kinetic Energy, Michael P. Hickey Ph.D., R. L. Walterscheid, and G. Schubert


The 25 Parsec Local White Dwarf Population, Jerry B. Holberg, Terry D. Oswalt, Edward M. Sion, and George P. McCook


The White Dwarf Age of NFC 2477, Elizabeth J. Jeffery, Ted von Hippel, and et al.


Orbital Separation Amplification in Fragile Binaries with Evolved Components, K. B. Johnston and Terry D. Oswalt


Cluster Observations of a Cusp Diamagnetic Cavity: Structure, Size, and Dynamics, K. Nykyri, A. Otto, E. Adamson, E. Dougal, and J. Mumme


On the Origin of Fluctuations in the Cusp Diamagnetic Cavity, K. Nykyri, A. Otto, E. Adamson, and A. Tjulin


Book Review: Exploring Mars: Chronicles from a Decade of Discovery, T. D. Oswalt


Book Review: The Cambridge Atlas of Herschel Objects, T. D. Oswalt


Modeling and Control of Space Vehicles with Fuel Slosh Dynamics, Mahmut Reyhanoglu


Cluster Observations of Bow Shock Energetic Ion Transport Through the Magnetosheath into the Cusp, K. J. Trattner, S. M. Petrinec, S. A. Fuselier, K. Nykyri, and E. Kronberg


Group Velocity and Energy Flux in the Thermosphere: Limits on the Validity of Group Velocity in a Viscous Atmosphere, R. L. Walterscheid and Michael P. Hickey Ph.D.