Is this project an undergraduate, graduate, or faculty project?



What campus are you from?

Daytona Beach

Authors' Class Standing

Sahil Ghate, Master's first year

Lead Presenter's Name

Sahil Ghate

Faculty Mentor Name

Foram Madiyar


The rapid technical development of ultrashort laser systems is creating exciting possibilities for very precise localization of laser energy in time and space. A promising three-dimensional microfabrication two-photon polymerization method that has recently attracted considerable attention with ultrashort laser pulses. This method will be utilized to fabricate micropyramid with nano side slits for surface enhanced plasmonic interaction with incident light of a specific wavelength. When a biomolecule is close to LSPR region, the electrons and bonds vibrate energetically changing the impedance of the system.This impedance change will be measured for C-Ractive protein, an inflammation biomarker. The calibration curve with spiked CRP in PBS and plasma will be used to measure the unknown concentrations of CRP in real-life samples

Did this research project receive funding support from the Office of Undergraduate Research.

Yes, Student Internal Grant



Two photon polymerisation enabled plasmonic sensors for Inflammation monitoring

The rapid technical development of ultrashort laser systems is creating exciting possibilities for very precise localization of laser energy in time and space. A promising three-dimensional microfabrication two-photon polymerization method that has recently attracted considerable attention with ultrashort laser pulses. This method will be utilized to fabricate micropyramid with nano side slits for surface enhanced plasmonic interaction with incident light of a specific wavelength. When a biomolecule is close to LSPR region, the electrons and bonds vibrate energetically changing the impedance of the system.This impedance change will be measured for C-Ractive protein, an inflammation biomarker. The calibration curve with spiked CRP in PBS and plasma will be used to measure the unknown concentrations of CRP in real-life samples


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