Date of Award

Summer 2001

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Human Factors & Systems


Human Factors and Systems

Committee Chair

Shawn Michael Doherty

Committee Member

John A. Wise

Committee Member

William Kohlruss


Past studies have shown that touchscreen display angles other than those that perpendicularly bisect the operator's line of sight cause the operator to touch slightly below the target. The amount of touch bias created from this misjudgment fluctuates according to the target's position on the screen. Additionally, the percentage of touches that activate a specific target varies according to the size of the tactual recognition field. Out of three square tactual recognition field sizes, this study sought to match these fields with the amount of touch bias occurring in each location (i.e., small amount of touch bias requires only a small field). The results showed that although bias differed according to location, the tactual recognition fields did not vary enough in size, nor were they large enough to find a significant difference between them in the number of touches captured according to the location of the target.
