Scholarly Commons - Distance Library Services Conference: Library Insider: Community Connection in the Commons

Library Insider: Community Connection in the Commons

Session Format

In-person Poster

Conference Tracks

Outreach, Services, and Programs

Start Date

2020 12:00 AM

Short Description

The Northcental University (NCU) Commons serves as a social networking site for students, faculty and staff to engage and connect with peers, and obtain resources to enhance learning and teaching experiences. Through distinct member communities, users can like, comment on, and share content; ask questions; and engage in discussions-all outside of the online classroom. NCU Library staff developed a unique community in the Commons called “Library Insider,” where users can connect with the Library; learn and share strategies and insight related to research and resources; be informed about important Library updates; and receive weekly training tidbits to strengthen research skills.

Long Description

The Northcental University (NCU) Commons serves as a social networking site for students, faculty, and staff to engage and connect with peers, and obtain resources to enhance learning and teaching experiences. Through distinct member communities, users can like, comment on, and share content; ask questions; and engage in discussions-all outside of the online classroom. Communities allow users to connect with faculty in a specialization, students in the same degree program, or users with a special interest. In monitoring these communities, Library staff noticed an increase in the number of questions asked and comments received related to research and Library resources by users in different communities. As a result, NCU Library staff formed a unique community in the Commons called “Library Insider” where users can connect with the Library; learn and share strategies and insight related to research and resources; be informed about important Library updates; and receive weekly training tidbits to strengthen research skills. The community is monitored by two Library staff members who act as stewards, respond to user comments and questions, and develop content for a series of weekly posts, including Research Bites for research tips; Website Wednesday for analyzing helpful links and tools to support research and productivity; Throwback Thursday for a glimpse into Library’s past; and Monthly Reads posts highlighting interesting articles or books relevant to University programs. Users can reach Library staff through traditional means like phone, chat, email, or text for help with locating resources and support with research questions; however, creation of a web community in the Commons has provided users with another avenue for connecting with Library staff and exploring information literacy concepts in a meaningful way.

Learning Objectives

  • Create a social networking group for the Library and manage an integrated presence of the Library as a support resource for students, faculty, and staff
  • Employ strategies for communication of Library services/resources on University systems and work collaboratively with University departments to build awareness of Library resources/services
  • Build a rapport with users and capitalize on social networking technology for developing connections
  • Encourage meaningful conversations among users on current professional and academic topics in an online community


Interaction Strategies: Presenters will provide a detailed review of the NCU University Commons and how a unique community was developed for the Library through a poster display. Strategies for engaging users will be shared and outlined in a LibGuide. Presenters will also provide a hands-on demonstration of the NCU Commons via a laptop display and information about social engagement platforms will be showcased.

Intended Audience: Librarians; Outreach Staff


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Library Insider: Community Connection in the Commons

The Northcental University (NCU) Commons serves as a social networking site for students, faculty, and staff to engage and connect with peers, and obtain resources to enhance learning and teaching experiences. Through distinct member communities, users can like, comment on, and share content; ask questions; and engage in discussions-all outside of the online classroom. Communities allow users to connect with faculty in a specialization, students in the same degree program, or users with a special interest. In monitoring these communities, Library staff noticed an increase in the number of questions asked and comments received related to research and Library resources by users in different communities. As a result, NCU Library staff formed a unique community in the Commons called “Library Insider” where users can connect with the Library; learn and share strategies and insight related to research and resources; be informed about important Library updates; and receive weekly training tidbits to strengthen research skills. The community is monitored by two Library staff members who act as stewards, respond to user comments and questions, and develop content for a series of weekly posts, including Research Bites for research tips; Website Wednesday for analyzing helpful links and tools to support research and productivity; Throwback Thursday for a glimpse into Library’s past; and Monthly Reads posts highlighting interesting articles or books relevant to University programs. Users can reach Library staff through traditional means like phone, chat, email, or text for help with locating resources and support with research questions; however, creation of a web community in the Commons has provided users with another avenue for connecting with Library staff and exploring information literacy concepts in a meaningful way.