2020 Distance Library Services Conference

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We are happy to announce, the 2020 Distance Library Services Conference is set for November 3-4 of 2020.  The conference will be presented in a virtual online format.  

View Submission Abstracts from:
Posters  --  Presentations  --  Workshops  

  • Date: November 3-4, 2020
  • The agenda here is in Eastern Standard Time. When you login to the Whova app, you will be able to customize the agenda to your timezone.

    Keynote Speaker

    Marcela Borge
    Dr. Marcela Borge is an assistant professor in the Learning, Design, and Technology program in the College of Education at the Pennsylvania State University.  Her research interests are at the intersection of learning, cognition, and design. (Bio page)

    Conference Award Winners

    Ute Manecke
    After finishing her PhD in English Literature and teaching in Modern Languages Departments at UK Universities, Ute Manecke did an MA in Librarianship at Sheffield University in 2008-09. After qualifying, she worked as a clinical librarian for a few years before returning to the academic environment and working in academic librarianship posts. Her position as Information Skills Adviser at London South Bank University, where she worked between 2014 and 2018, built on her previous teaching experience and developed her skills in responding to student enquiries and face-to-face teaching in groups of varying sizes and skills levels as well as in providing one-to-one support. During this time, she gained her FHEA. Since starting work as a Learning and Teaching Librarian at the Open University in January 2018, Ute has been involved in teaching and advising students and staff on aspects of information literacy in a distance learning context. A large part of her role consists in ensuring that academic staff strategically integrate digital information literacy into the curriculum by including appropriate information resources and activities that develop digital information skills. Her favourite aspect of distance librarianship is advising and teaching students in synchronous learning environments by making use of platforms such as Adobe Connect for training sessions and using webchat as part of the OU’s Enquiries service. Ute enjoys the challenge of continuously seeking new ways of reaching and engaging learners and improving their information literacy in the distance learning setting.

    Hannah Schilperoort
    Hannah Schilperoort is an Information Services Librarian at Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California, and liaison to an online graduate Nursing program. Her favorite aspect of distance librarianship is building relationships with Nursing faculty and students. She believes being embedded in online programs often allows librarians to work even more closely with faculty and students than is possible in on-campus programs. She works hard to establish herself as a partner in all aspects of online education, including targeted, active-learning based instruction as well as assignment and rubric development. She collaborates with faculty to create integrated and required asynchronous and synchronous content for research, evidence-based practice, and clinical courses. Hannah is also interested in LGBTQIA+ health and has collaborated to create online resources, organize online programming, and conduct research on LGBTQIA+ cultural competency for healthcare providers.

    Guest Speakers: click to see the list of Guest Speakers

Browse the contents of 2020 Distance Library Services Conference:

Event Schedule
Guest Speakers
Paper and PowerPoint Presentations