Scholarly Commons - Distance Library Services Conference: Applying the Revised Standards for Distance Learning Library Services at Your Institution

Session Format

In-person Workshop

Proposal Synopsis

A revision to the 2016 Standards for Distance Library Services (Standards) is currently underway with possible approval by the ACRL Board at the 2022 ALA Annual Conference. This workshop will delve into the proposed 2022 Standards exploring how to apply them. Differences and similarities between the 2016 and the proposed 2022 Standards will be examined. The workshop will also share research on how others used the previous Standards for improving distance learners’ library services and resources. If the Standards are not approved by the DLS 2022 Conference, we plan to utilize the draft as the workshop foundation.

One facilitator is a member of the current Standards revision committee and will offer their expertise regarding the changes. Other facilitators include a library director at an over 90% distance learner institution to another institution whose online learners mostly come from in-state and even drop by in person to pick up books, and a director of distance and online library services at a traditional residential campus where services to the worldwide online-only student population is rapidly growing. Facilitators will offer how they plan to utilize the revised Standards in their particular roles at their institutions and with library stakeholders.

Workshop participants will engage on how the revised Standards would apply at different institution types with different librarian roles. Participants will also learn how to connect the revised Standards to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy (Framework) and their annual reports. Participants will have ample opportunities to engage with the facilitators and other workshop attendees about the Standard revisions in multiple ways. Hands-on exercises will occur throughout the workshop to promote engagement with learning objects and the content. Attendees will brainstorm how to analyze and document progress of the Standards at their particular institution and will create an action plan to share with relevant stakeholders.

Primary Conference Tag


Secondary Conference Tag


Optional Conference Tag

Administration, Management, and Leadership



Applying the Revised Standards for Distance Learning Library Services at Your Institution


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