JAAER 2021
Aviation Training & Technology
Can Backward-Chained, Ab-Initio Pilot Training Decrease Time to First Solo?
Samuel M. Vance Ph.D., Kat Gardner-Vandy Ph.D., and Jared Alan Freihoefer
Testing and Validation Framework for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
Mustafa I. Akbas
Integrating the First Person View and the Third Person View Using a Connected VR-MR System for Pilot Training
Chang-Geun Oh, Kwanghee Lee, and Myunghoon Oh
Detectability of Clothing Color by Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Search and Rescue Operations
Ryan Blackburn and Robert Joslin
Job Demands and Job Resources Among Western Airline Cabin Crews: A Comparative Study of Canadian, German, and French Flight Attendants
Sarah Nogues, Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, and Sari Mansour
Analysis on the Negative Emotional, Physiological, and Cognitive Responses Elicited from of the Activation of a Stall Alarm
Travis J. Whittemore and Sabrina Woods