Scholarly Commons - Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission: Multipoint measurements to understand the drivers, structure, and effects of waves in Earth’s magnetosphere

Multipoint measurements to understand the drivers, structure, and effects of waves in Earth’s magnetosphere

Presentation Type


Presenter Format

In Person Meeting Talk


System Science

Start Date

12-5-2022 10:35 AM


Plasma waves play a critical role in the transfer of energy across different particle populations in Earth’s magnetosphere. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are one intense wave mode that have been shown to contribute to scattering and loss of energetic particles from the radiation belts as well as ring current. Using multi-point measurements from the Heliospheric Systems Observatory, including NASA’s MMS mission, we can examine the properties and source regions of EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere, exploring the formation and evolution of plasma structures as they relate to observed wave growth. Here I’ll briefly highlight a few recent case studies utilizing HSO measurements to study wave growth, evolution, and effects on energetic particles in Earth’s magnetosphere. These studies aid in the understanding of outer radiation belt dynamics and the relationship between electromagnetic waves, global magnetospheric conditions, and solar wind drivers.


May 12th, 10:35 AM

Multipoint measurements to understand the drivers, structure, and effects of waves in Earth’s magnetosphere

Plasma waves play a critical role in the transfer of energy across different particle populations in Earth’s magnetosphere. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are one intense wave mode that have been shown to contribute to scattering and loss of energetic particles from the radiation belts as well as ring current. Using multi-point measurements from the Heliospheric Systems Observatory, including NASA’s MMS mission, we can examine the properties and source regions of EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere, exploring the formation and evolution of plasma structures as they relate to observed wave growth. Here I’ll briefly highlight a few recent case studies utilizing HSO measurements to study wave growth, evolution, and effects on energetic particles in Earth’s magnetosphere. These studies aid in the understanding of outer radiation belt dynamics and the relationship between electromagnetic waves, global magnetospheric conditions, and solar wind drivers.