Scholarly Commons - Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission: Larger Scale 3D Magnetic Field Reconstructions

Larger Scale 3D Magnetic Field Reconstructions

Author and Affiliation

Roy B. Torbert, UNH and SwRI

Presentation Type


Presenter Format

In Person Meeting Talk


Nightside Science

Start Date

11-5-2022 1:45 PM


The 3D reconstruction that employs cubic terms can give exact solutions that are valid in the close vicinity (about twice the size) of the MMS tetrahedron. It suffers at larger scales due to overfitting of the terms. I present a new cubic solution that is much better at larger scales, by better scaling of the polynomial terms and the use of multi-time points in the reconstruction. In principle, it comes much closer to replicating the exact B and J measurements at each spacecraft.


May 11th, 1:45 PM

Larger Scale 3D Magnetic Field Reconstructions

The 3D reconstruction that employs cubic terms can give exact solutions that are valid in the close vicinity (about twice the size) of the MMS tetrahedron. It suffers at larger scales due to overfitting of the terms. I present a new cubic solution that is much better at larger scales, by better scaling of the polynomial terms and the use of multi-time points in the reconstruction. In principle, it comes much closer to replicating the exact B and J measurements at each spacecraft.