The OER Main collects items from all three OER collections:

  • Coursepacks are customized course content provided by ERAU faculty. The content may include original works, out-of-print materials, links to webpages, and lab manuals to supplement classroom instruction. Some materials may require your ERNIE login for access.
  • Open Educational Resources are materials created by ERAU faculty for use in the classroom.  These materials are feely available through a Creative Commons License to download and print in various formats. The materials may include documents, videos, PowerPoint presentations, and other formats.
  • Textbooks are open access materials that are used by ERAU faculty and students. Some textbooks have been authored by ERAU faculty, while others are open access texts adopted by ERAU faculty.  These textbooks are freely available through a Creative Commons License to download and print in various formats. They may replace or supplement more costly textbooks used for ERAU classes.


Submissions from 1952


We, Eugnen Zamiatin

Submissions from 1920


R.U.R., Karel Capek

Submissions from 1916


The Nose, Nikolai Gogol

Submissions from 1912


The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky

Submissions from 1909


The Machine Stops, E. M. Forster

Submissions from 1902


The Lower Depths, Maxim Gorky