Submissions from 1982
Diurnal Distribution of Very Heavy Precipitation Over the Central and Eastern United States, Kenneth A. Crysler, Robert A. Maddox, L. Ray Hoxit, and Bradley M. Muller
Submissions from 1981
Meteorological Significance of Cloud Tracked Winds During DST-5 and DST-6, H. M. Goodman, Frederick Mosher, Tod Stewart, and Verner Suomi
Characteristics of Water Vapor Tracked Winds, Frederick R. Mosher
Submissions from 1980
A Model for Calculating Desert Aerosol Turbidity Over the Oceans from Geostationary Satellite Data, Carl C. Norton, Frederick R. Mosher, Barry Hinton, David W. Martin, David Santek, and William Kuhlow
Submissions from 1979
An Investigation of Surface Albedo Variations During the Recent Sahel Drought, Carl C. Norton, Frederick R. Mosher, and Barry Hinton
Ca II H and K and Hydrogen-Line Variations in V471 Tauri (=BD + 16°516), Terry D. Oswalt
Shallow Convection on Day 261 of GATE: Mesoscale Arcs, C. Warner, J. Simpson, D. W. Martin, D. Suchman, F. R. Mosher, and R. F. Reinking
Submissions from 1973
Between Pyosis and Pyralidan, Tim Brady
Gear-Up Landings, or...Let It All Hang Out, Tim Brady
On a Wing and a Strap, Tim Brady
The Alligators Will Get You, if You Don't Watch Out!, Tim Brady
The Four Horsemen, Tim Brady
The Spin--an Accident Analysis, Tim Brady
What is an Airlifter?, Tim Brady
Wheels Are Square, Tim Brady
Submissions from 1972
Another Look at Hydroplaning, Tim Brady
Bio What?, Tim Brady
Call Signs, Tim Brady
TALAR: What Is It?, Tim Brady
The Airlift Instructor School, Tim Brady
The C-130 Fin Stall Phenomenon, Tim Brady
The 'Can Do' Attitude, Tim Brady
The Longest Flight, Tim Brady
The Professionals, Tim Brady
World War I and Beyond, Tim Brady
Submissions from 1971
Holidays from Danger, Tim Brady
How about a System?, Tim Brady
Midair! Midair!, Tim Brady
On Target, Tim Brady
The Lure of Home, Tim Brady
Submissions from 202
Impact of Technology on University International Travel Policies, Aaron D. Clevenger, Elaine Del Rossi, Patrick Morgan, and Gary Rhodes