The Department of Mathematics, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS) in the College of Arts and Sciences designs and delivers undergraduate mathematics, computer science, statistics, physics, biology, environmental science, astronomy, chemistry, and weather courses required by all three Colleges. The Department’s dedicated faculty members have wide-ranging experience not just in education, but also in professional applications in the areas they teach. Additionally, the Department administers the skills assessment that assesses the mathematics competency of incoming students to ensure their success in MPLS coursework.
Submissions from 2019
Formative Assessment Techniques for Online Learning, Emily Faulconer and Beverly Wood
Seeing and Understanding Data, Beverly Wood and Charlotte Bolch
Submissions from 2018
Weighted Composition Operators on Analytic Function Spaces: Some Recent Progress, Dip Acharyya
Weighted Composition Operators on Spaces of Analytic Functions: A Survey, Soumyadip Acharyya
Seeing and Understanding Data: A Mini-Primary Source Project for Students of Statistics, Charlotte Bolch and Beverly Wood
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Grades and Learning Mode in an English Composition Course, Debra T. Bourdeau, Kelly V. Griffith, John Griffith, and John R. Griffith
A Comparison of Online and Traditional Chemistry Lecture and Lab, E. K. Faulconer, J. C. Griffith, Beverly L. Wood, S. Acharyya, and D. L. Roberts
If At First You Do Not Succeed: The Student Benefits of Multiple Trials on Summative Assessments, Emily Faulconer, John Griffith, and Hayden Frank
A Review to Weigh the Pros and Cons of Online, Remote, and Distance Science Laboratory Experiences, Emily Faulconer and Amy B. Gruss
Adjunct Faculty Training, Mentoring and Evaluation at the Department Level, John Griffith
Propeller Design Requirements for Quadcopters Utilizing Variable Pitch Propellers, Ian R. McAndrew, Elena Navarro, and Ken Witcher
A Tale of Two Airlines: A Comparative Case Study of High-Road Versus Low-Road Strategies in Customer Service and Reputation Management, Donna L. Roberts and John C. Griffith
Updated Guidelines, Updated Curriculum: the Gaise College Report and Introductory Statistics for the Modern Student, Beverly Wood, Megan Mocko, Michelle Everson, Nicholas J. Horton, and Paul Velleman
Submissions from 2017
Difference of Two Weighted Composition Operators on Bergman Spaces, S. Acharyya and Z. Wu
A Study of Video-Mediated Opportunities for Self-Directed Learning in Required Core Curriculum, Debra T. Bourdeau, Donna Roberts, Beverly Wood, and Johnelle Korioth
Increasing Student Interactions With Learning Objectives, Emily Kaye Faulconer
Twin-Wing Design Options Used for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Achieve High Altitudes at Low Speeds, Ian R. McAndrew, Elena Vishnevskaya, and Andrew Carruthers
Multi-Choice Questions and Their Problems When Used for Assessment of Aircraft Engineers Education, Ian R. McAndrew, Ken L. Witcher, Elena Navarro, and Peter Foreman
Real Data is Messy... and Manageable, Beverly Wood and Carl Clark
Submissions from 2016
Video-Mediated Opportunities for Self-Directed Learning in Undergraduate Research Methodology Courses, Debra T. Bourdeau, Donna Roberts, Thomas E. Sieland, and Beverly Wood
Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) College Report 2016, Robert Carver, Michelle Everson, John Gabrosek, Nicholas Horton, Robin Lock, Megan Mocko, Allan Rossman, Ginger Holmes Roswell, Paul Velleman, Jeffrey Witmer, and Beverly Wood
GAISEing into the NEW Guidelines, Robert Carver, Megan Mocko, Jeffrey Witmer, and Beverly Wood
Investigating the Influence of the Level of Inquiry on Student Engagement, Emily K. Faulconer
Bullying at the Fire Station? Perceptions Based on Gender, Race and Sexual Orientation, John C. Griffith, Donna L. Roberts, and Ronald T. Wakeham
Faculty and Student Issues with Group Work: What is Problematic with College Group Assignments and Why?, Joanne P. LaBeouf, John C. Griffith, and Donna L. Roberts
Glide Effects on Low Speed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Ice Formation, I. McAndrew, K. Witcher, and E. Navarro
Multivariate Thinking in an Intro Stats Course – Is it Possible?, Beverly Wood
Submissions from 2015
GAISE Into the Future: Updating a Landmark Report for an Increasingly Data-Centric World, Michelle Everson, Paul Velleman, Beverly Wood, John Gabrosek, Megan Mocko, and Robert Carver
Submissions from 2014
Low Speed Re-Fuelling of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using the Drogue System, Ian R. McAndrew and Elena Navarro
Implementing the Common Core’s Promise of Bringing Statistical Curricula into Line with Recommendations of NCTM, MAA, & GAISE, Beverly Wood and Carl Clark
Submissions from 2013
GAISE in Discipline-Specific Courses, Beverly Wood
Submissions from 2012
The GAISE College Report: The American Statistical Association Meets Sound Pedagogy in Central Virginia, Beverly Wood
Submissions from 1998
An Effective Investment: Teaching Study Skills to USAF Allied Health Professionals Prior to Extended Training, John C. Griffith