The conference collection consists of conferences that are either organized by or affiliated with ERAU and highlight many of the research efforts of the university’s faculty, students, and staff.


Browse the Conferences Collections:

39th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations (SEARCDE)

AIAA Southeastern Regional Student Conference

AI Summit

Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law

ASEE EDGD Annual Conference

ASEE Southeastern Section Conference

AviAsian Conference

Aviation / Aeronautics / Aerospace International Research Conference

Bollinger-Rosado Teaching & Learning Effectiveness Symposium Proceedings

Center for Advanced Transportation Mobility Symposium

Chief Instructor / Flight Director Roundtable


Crew Resource Management: Trends and Directions

Digital Commons Southeastern User Group (DC SEUG) 2019

Discovery Day - Daytona Beach

Discovery Day - Prescott

Distance Library Services Conference

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University LEAD-ER Program

ERAU-NASA-NSF Aerospace Cybersecurity Workshop

ERAU SMART@ER Educators Conference

FAA UAS Symposium

Florida Undergraduate Research Conference

Future Travel Experience Expo Team

GEIA Seminar

Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference

Innovation at Altitude: Continuous Improvement Summit

Innovation Week

International Civil Aviation English Association

International Conference on Genocide

Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission

Math Department Colloquium Series

National Training Aircraft Symposium (NTAS)


Scholarly Speaking - Prescott

Space Congress® Proceedings

Spaceport Summit

Space Traffic Management Conference

Sports and Aviation Symposium

Student Research Symposium (SRS)

Sustainability Conference

The Annual Joint Meetings of the MAA-Florida Section and FTYCMA

Undergraduate Research Symposium - Prescott

URI Summer Symposium - Prescott