Submissions from 2017
Airline Quality and the Consumer Perception, Brent D. Bowen, Erin Bowen, Dean E. Headley, and Madeline S. Kuhn
The Future of Social Media Usage for Scholarly Research, Brent D. Bowen, Jackie Luedtke, Timothy B. Holt, David Ehrensperger, and Hunter M. Watson
A Student's Perspective on the Utilization of Social Media for Scholarly Research, Brent D. Bowen, Jacqueline Luedtke, Timothy B. Holt, David Ehrensperger, and Hunter M. Watson
Impact Factor and Scholarly Research: The Traditional Media with a Social Media Influence, Brent D. Bowen, Jacqueline Luedtke, Timothy B. Holt, David Ehrensperger, and Hunter M. Watson
A Comparison of Malfunction-Related Accidents for General Aviation Aircraft Manufactured in 1970–1984 and 2000–2014, Douglas Boyd and Jochen Hinkelbein
A Comparison of Malfunction-Related Accidents for General Aviation Aircraft Manufactured in 1970–1984 and 2000–2014, Douglas Boyd and Jochen Hinkelbein
Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Flow Analysis by an Integrated Meshless-Lumped Parameter Model, Leonardo A. Bueno, Eduardo A. Divo, and Alain J. Kassab
A Coupled Localized RBF Meshless/DRBEM Formulation for Accurate Modeling of Incompressible Fluid Flows, Leonardo Bueno, Eduardo Divo, and Alain J. Kassab
Local Time Asymmetry of Saturn's Magnetosheath Flows, B. Burkholder, P. A. Delamere, X. Ma, M. F. Thomsen, R. J. Wilson, and F. Bagenal
Anisotropic Fluid Modeling of Ionospheric Upflow: Effects of Low‐Altitude Anisotropy and Thermospheric Winds, M. R. Burleigh and M. Zettergren
Field Notes: Bursting Their Bubble: How to Have Difficult Conversations with Your Staff, Marie-Jose’ Caro and Edward F. Trombley III
Vietnam’s Vision Of Growth In The Aeronautical Industry, Ricardo Carreras and Cindy Greenman
Communicating Effectively in Rapidly Changing Times, Anne Marie Casey
A Pilot Study of Computerized, Tailored Intervention to Promote HPV Vaccination in Mexican-Heritage Adolescents, Angela Chia-Chen Chen, Michael Todd, Ashish Amresh, Usha Menon, and Laura Szalacha
Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Operations into the National Airspace System, Benjamin Cook, Holly Hughes, Allison Little, Kyle Wilkerson, Jennah C. Perry, Johnny Young, and Jacqueline Luedtke
New Adjunct Faculty Outreach, Cristina Cottom
Supporting English Learners in Your Online Courses, Cristina Cottom
Predicting General Aviation Pilots’ Weather-Related Performance through a Scenario-Based Assessment, Jessica Cruit, Christina Frederick, Beth Blickensderfer, Joseph Keebler, and Thomas Guinn
Network Carriers’ Strategic Decision with Low Cost Carrier Entry, Tamilla Curtis
Advertising Effect on Consumer Emotions, Judgements, and Purchase Intent, Tamilla Curtis, Anke Arnaud, and Blaise P. Waguespack
Developing a Homeland Security Curriculum: A Case Study in Outcomes-Based Education, Daniel A. Cutrer
Static Testing of Propulsion Elements for Small Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Robert W. Deters, S.C. Kleinke, and Michael S. Selig
Temperature Variations in the Dayside Magnetosheath and Their Dependence on Ion-Scale Magnetic Structures: THEMIS Statistics and Measurements by MMS, A. P. Dimmock, A. Osmane, T. I. Pulkkinen, K. Nykyri, and E. Kilpua
A Spreadsheet for Estimating Soil Water Characteristic Curves (SWCC), Ghada Ellithy
The Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones. Part I: Cyclonic Evolution and Direct Impacts, Clark Evans, Kimberly M. Wood, Sim D. Aberson, Heather M. Archambault, Shawn M. Milrad, Lance F. Bosart, and et al.
Magnetospherically-Trapped Dust and a Possible Model for the Unusual Transits at WD1145+017, J. Farihi, Ted von Hippel, and J. E. Pringle
Hubble Parameter Measurement Constraints on the Redshift of the Deceleration-Acceleration Transition, Dynamical Dark Energy, and Space Curvature, Muhammad O. Farooq, Foram R. Madiyar, Sara Crandall, and Bharat Ratra
Hubble Parameter Measurement Constraints on the Redshift of the Deceleration-Acceleration Transition, Dynamical Dark Energy, and Space Curvature, Omer Farooq, Foram Ranjeet Madiyar, Sara Crandall, and Bharat Ratra
Increasing Student Interactions With Learning Objectives, Emily Kaye Faulconer
Influence of Activated Carbon Surface Oxygen Functionality on Elemental Mercury Adsorption from Aqueous Solution, Emily K. Faulconer and David W. Mazyck
Evaluating Student Perceptions and Learning Outcomes: Differences Between SLA-aBLe and Non-SLA-aBLe Introductory Programming Courses, Christina M. Frederick, Matthew B. Pierce, Andrew Griggs, and Lulu Sun
Get Rid of Your Student's Fear and Intimidation of learning a Programming Language, Christina Frederick, Matt B. Pierce, Andrew Calvin Griggs, Lulu Sun, and Li Ding
Work in Progress: Using Second Language Acquisition Techniques to Teach Programming - Results from a Two-Year Project, Christina Frederick and Lulu Sun
First Performance Results of a New Field-Widened Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for Geocoronal Hα Research, D. D. Gardner, E. J. Mierkiewicz, F. L. Roesler, J. M. Harlander, K. P. Jaehnig, S. M. Nossal, and L. M. Haffner
Constraining Balmer Alpha Fine Structure Excitation Measured in Geocoronal Hydrogen Observations, D. D. Gardner, E. J. Mierkiewicz, F. L. Roesler, S. M. Nossal, and L. M. Haffner
Multi-Site Simultaneous Time-Resolved Photometry with a Low Cost Electro-Optics System, Forrest Gasdia, Aroh Barjatya, and Sergei Bilardi
Multi-Stage Axial Compressor with Counter-Rotation, Vinod Gehlot, Magdy S. Attia, and Divyam Garg
Product Life-Cycle: New Products, Quality, Substitutes and Advertising in the Theatrical Movie Markets, Jayendra S. Gokhale and Wesley Wilson
System and Method for Robust Nonlinear Regulation Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Synthetic Jet Actuators, Vladimir V. Golubev and William MacKunis
Inside Sales Force and Gender: Mediating Effects of Intrinsic Motivation on Sales Controls and Performance, Anne Gottfried, Scott Ambrose, and Richard Plank
Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Accounting Profession, Cindy Greenman
Economic Impact of World Bank Aviation Investment in Pacific Island Countries, Cindy Greenman and Javad Gorjidooz
Pharmaceutical Fraud: Off-Label Marketing of Drugs in the United States, 2009 – 2016, Cindy Greenman and Zac Greenman
Multicenter Handoff Collaborative, Philip E. Greilich and Joseph R. Keebler
First Na Lidar Measurements of Turbulence Heat Flux, Thermal Diffusivity, and Energy Dissipation Rate in the Mesopause Region, Yafang Guo, Alan Z. Liu, and Chester S. Gardner
Success Stories in Knowledge Management Systems, Leila Halawi, Richard McCarthy, and Janine Aronson
Student Engagement: A Study of the Relationship between Teacher Credibility and Student Self-Efficacy, Gordon R. Haley and Phyllis A. Parise
Qurʾān and Sunna or the Madhhabs?: A Salafi Polemic Against Islamic Legal Tradition, Emad Hamdeh
The Role of the ʿUlamā’ in the Thoughts of ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Abū Ghudda, Emad Hamdeh
Pilot Training Metrics at a Part 141 University Training Program, Steven Hampton, Dothag Truong, Ken Byrnes, and Troy Techau
An RBF Interpolation Blending Scheme for Effective Shock-Capturing, M. Harris, Eduardo Divo, and Alain J. Kassab
Application of an RBF Blending Interpolation Method To Problems With Shocks, Michael Harris, Eduardo Divo, and Alain J. Kassab
Numerical Modeling of a Multiscale Gravity Wave Event and Its Airglow Signatures over Mount Cook, New Zealand, During the DEEPWAVE Campaign, C. J. Heale, K. Bossert, J. B. Snively, D. C. Fritts, P. -D. Pautet, and M. J. Taylor
A Profile of Project Manager Work Engagement: A Field Survey, Thomas G. Henkel, James W. Marion Jr, and Debra T. Bourdeau
Project Manager Leadership Styles: Task vs. People-Oriented, Thomas G. Henkel, James W. Marion Jr, and Debra T. Bourdeau
Project Manager Motivation: Job Motivators and Maintenance Factors, Thomas G. Henkel, James W. Marion Jr, and Debra T. Bourdeau
On the Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Between 2007 and 2013, Z. W. Henry, K. Nykyri, T. W. Moore, A. P. Dimmock, and X. Ma
Ionospheric Gravity Waves Driven by Oceanic Gravity Waves in Resonance: A Modeling Study in Search of Their Spectra, Michael P. Hickey and Yonghui Yu
Building a Collaborating Culture; A Need for Partnerships among K-12 and Postsecondary Institutions, Dr. Timothy B. Holt
General Aviation Hypoxia and Reporting Statistics, Timothy B. Holt, Jacqueline Luedtke, and Claire Schindler
The Utilization of Peer Mentorship and its Positive Impact on Student Retention, Timothy B. Holt, Jacqueline Luedtke, and Claire Schindler
The Vulnerabilities of Hypoxic Events Within General Aviation, Timothy B. Holt, Jacqueline Luedtke, and Claire Schindler
Undergraduate Research on General Aviation Hypoxia: A Student's Perspective, Timothy B. Holt, Jacqueline Luedtke, and Claire G. Schindler
Simultaneous upward and downward propagating inertia-gravity waves in the MLT observed at Andes Lidar Observatory, Kai Ming Hung, Alan Z. Liu, Shao Dong Zhang, Fan Yi, Chun Ming Huang, Yun Gong, Quan Gan, and et al.
Cirrus Cloud Microphysics over Darwin, Australia, Dorothea Ivanova and Matthew Johnson
Mapping of IVA Spacesuit Mobility: Design Observations and Functionality, Gavin C. James, Ryan L. Kobrick, and Victor Kitmanyen
Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation From Gravitational Waves Generated by Neutron Stars, Preston Jones, Andri Gretarsson, and Douglas Singleton
Particle Production in a Gravitational Wave Background, Preston Jones, Patrick McDougall, and Douglas Singleton
Local Time Dependence of Turbulent Magnetic Fields in Saturn's Magnetodisc, V. Kaminker, P. A. Delamere, C. S. Ng, T. Dennis, A. Otto, and X. Ma
STEM, Video Game Play, & Gender = Personalization, Wendi M. Kappers
STEM, Video Game Play, & Gender = Personalization, Wendi M. Kappers
Through the Lens of the Reviewer: Information Literacy, an LMS, and Peer Review, Wendi M. Kappers
Six Degrees of Freedom from Six Degrees of Separation: The History of Flight Simulators, David Keck and Morgan Lopez
The Remote Observatories of the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA), William C. Keel, Terry D. Oswalt, Peter Mack, Gary Henson, Todd Hillwig, and et al.
Exploring Myths in Digital Forensics: Separating Science From Ritual, Gary C. Kessler and Gregory H. Carlton
Using Journals to Assess Non-STEM Student Learning in STEM Courses: A Case Study in Cybersecurity Education, Gary Kessler, Glenn S. Dardick, and Douglas L. Holton
The Ages of the Thin Disk, Thick Disk, and the Halo from Nearby White Dwarfs, Mukremin Kilic, Ted von Hippel, Jeffrey A. Munn, Hugh C. Harris, James W. Liebert, and et al.
Time Optimal State Feedback Control with Application to a Spacecraft with Cold Gas Propulsion, Samuel J. Kitchen-McKinley and Sergey V. Drakunov
Human Factors for Small Net Habitable Volume: The Case for a Close-Quarter Space Habitat Analog, Victor Kitmanyen, Timothy J. Disher, Ryan L. Kobrick, and Jason P. Kring
Creating an Experimental Learning and Research Driven Spacesuit Lab for ERAU, Ryan L. Kobrick and Erik Seedhouse
Critical Event Review Team (CERT), Jeffrey Kuhlman, Thomas Looke, Louis Barr, Jeanette Bartos, Gengie Nail, Brittany Almon, Joseph Keebler, Elizabeth Lazzara, and Elizabeth Blickensderfer
Monitoring Airport Service Quality: A Complementary Approach to Measure Perceived Service Quality Using Online Reviews, Kiljae Lee and Chunyan Yu
Stellar Stream Candidates in the Solar Neighborhood Found in the LAMOST DR3 and TGAS, X. L. Liang, Terry Oswalt, J. K. Zhao, Y. Q. Chen, and G. Zhao
Stellar Stream Candidates in the Solar Neighborhood Found in the LAMOST DR3 and TGAS, X. L. Liang, J. K. Zhao, T. D. Oswalt, Y. Q. Chen, L. Zhang, and G. Zhao
Utilizing Guided Simulation in Conjunction with Digital Learning Tools in Air Traffic Control Training, Allison Little, Benjamin Cook, Holly Hughes, Kyle Wilkerson, Jacqueline Luedtke, and Jennah Perry
Suitability Testing for PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidates Using the Suborbital Space Flight Simulator with an IVA Spacesuit, Pedro J. Llanos, Victor Kitmanyen, Erik Seedhouse, and Ryan L. Kobrick
Lessons Learned from Successful Black Male "Buoyant Believers" in Engineering and Engineering-Related Fields, Leroy L. Long III and Trevion Henderson
Poster: Lessons Learned from Successful Black Male “Buoyant Believers” in Engineering and Engineering-Related Fields, Leroy L. Long III and Trevion S. Henderson
Infographic: Black Male "Bouyant Believers" in Engineering and Engineering-Related Fields, Leroy L. Long III and William Wanyagah
Infographic: Lessons Learned from Successful Black Male "Buoyant Believers" in Engineering and Engineering-Related Fields, Leroy L. Long III and William Wanyagah
Differential Equations of Dynamical Order, Andrei Ludu and Harihar Khanal
IMF Dependence of Energetic Oxygen and Hydrogen Ion Distributions in the Near-Earth Magnetosphere, H. Luo, E. A. Kronberg, K. Nykyri, K. J. Trattner, P. W. Daly, G. X. Chen, A. M. Du, and Y. S. Ge
Utilizing the O-C Method to Determine Third-Body Existence in Eclipsing Binary Systems, Patrice Majewski, Tomomi Otani, and Terry D. Oswalt
Traveling Wave Solutions to Kawahara and Related Equations, S.C. Mancas
Elliptic Solutions and Solitary Waves of a Higher Order KdV-BBM Long Wave Equation, S.C. Mancas and Ronald Adams
Traveling Wave Solutions for Wave Equations with Exponential Nonlinearities, S. C. Mancas, H. C. Rosu, and M. Perez-Maldonado
HazCom 2012 Implementation, Cheri Marcham
E-Cigarettes: A Hazy Hazard, Cheryl (Cheri) L. Marcham and John (Jack) P. Springston
OSH Certifications: Behind the Exams, Cheryl (Cheri) L. Marcham, Treasa M. Turnbeaugh, and Nicola J. Wright
“No But”—Understanding Sally Jenkins’ Friction with Feminism, Steven Master and Taylor Joy Mitchell