The Worldwide Graduate Student Works collection showcases graduate student research including their graduate capstone projects, journal articles, conference presentations, data sets, white papers, and other forms of student scholarship.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Remote Learning in Higher Education: Exploring Human Factors Challanges and Learning Management System Usability, Angelia Umali
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Enhancing Cyberspace Monitoring in the United States Aviation Industry: A Multi-Layered Approach for Addressing Emerging Threats, Matthew Janson
The Exigency and How to Improve and Implement International Humanitarian Legislations More Advantageously in Times of Both Cyber-warfare and Cyberspace, Shawn J. Lalman
Flying under the radar: A survey of collegiate pilots’ mental health to identify aeromedical nondisclosure and healthcare-seeking behaviors, Lauren Pitts and Emily Faulconer
Orbital Debris Mitigation: Exploring CubeSat Drag Sail Technology, Robinson Raphael
Submissions from 2022
Certification Basis for a Fully Autonomous Uncrewed Passenger Carrying Urban Air Mobility Aircraft, Steve Price
Humanity’s Journey to The Red Planet, Robinson Raphael
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Air Navigation and COVID-19: ATM Efficiency in Pandemic Crisis, Fabio Lourenco Carneiro Barbosa
Evaluating Human Factors in the Commercial Pilot-Airplane Airman Certification Standards, Alaba Gabriel Idowu
Comprehensive Report on Extraterrestrial Resource Extraction, Robinson Raphael
Submissions from 2020
Training Synergy, Andre Vieira Caputo, Everton Amieiroe, Lucio de Araujo Alves, Renan Dapena Roveran, and Leila Halawi
Automated Disruption Assistance in Brazil, Christian Gruber Delamare, Douglas Cabrera Lopes, Patrice Ramos, Raioni de Oliveira Santos, and Leila Halawi
A Mixed Methodology Study of the Effects of Age, Touchscreens, New Technology, Automation, and Interactions on Pilot Performance, Norman Kemble and Norman K. Kemble
An Evaluation of the Operational Restrictions Imposed to Congonhas Airport by Civil Aviation Instruction121-1013, Glanski Pacheco, Jr.; Marcus Camargo; and Leila Halawi
Gender Diversity in the Aviation Workplace, Lindsay Stevenson, Haydee Cuevas, Katie Kirkpatrick, Katya K. Rivera, and Marisa Aguiar
Engine Light Repair Shop Evaluation for a Brazilian Airline, Gustavo Henrique Melhado Trevilatto, Marcelo Miranda, and Leila Halawi
Submissions from 2019
Comparative Analysis of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Manuals, Stephen M. Cigal
English Language Proficiency and Aviation Safety, Robert Fowler Jr.
Varying Class Schedules and Learning Effectiveness at FAR Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Training Schools (AMTS), Kristen Hammer
The Changing Face of Airmanship and Safety Culture Operating Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Tracy Lamb
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Human Factors Contributing to Preventable Adverse Drug Events in Healthcare: A Grounded Theory Approach Pilot Study, Thomas Ryan Hilgers
Human Factors Contributing to Unstabilized Approaches and Landings in Commercial Aviation Incidents: An Analysis of ASRS Reports, Garrin E. Ross
Submissions from 2017
Pilot Training Metrics at a Part 141 University Training Program, Steven Hampton, Dothag Truong, Ken Byrnes, and Troy Techau
The Issues and Complexities Surrounding the Future of Long Duration Spaceflight, Solomon Miiro
Submissions from 2016
2016 General Aviation Flight Training Metrics, Steven Hampton, Ken Byrnes, and Troy Techau
Submissions from 2014
The Impact of Training and Technology on the Future of Aviation, Jennifer Oberg
Submissions from 2013
The Potential Costs to the DoD of not Preparing for the NextGen NAS Overhaul: Lessons Learned from RVSM, Casey Richardson
The Application of Advanced Composites for the Construction of Commercial Transport Aircraft, Mark D. Severson