
Submissions from 2020


Infographic: Division 1 and STEM, McKenzie Jackson and Leroy Long III


Infographic: Division 1 - Power 5 Football Stars in STEM, Sydney Jones and Leroy Long III


Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Performance of Small UAV Propellers in Static Conditions, William Jordan, Robert W. Deters, and Shreyas Narsipur


Spirit Confronts the Four-Headed Monster: Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s Mistik–Infused Flood-Rise in Duvalierist Haiti, Geoffrey Kain


From Degree to Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): A Framework for Consideration, Wendi M. Kappers and Martha Nanette Harrell,


Validation of the GUESS-18: A Short Version of the Game User Experience Satisfaction Scale (GUESS), Joseph R. Keebler, William J. Shelstad, Dustin C. Smith, Barbara S. Chaparro, and Mikki H. Phan


Developing a Taxonomy for Success in Commercial Pilot Behaviors, Kristine Kiernan, David S. Cross, and Mark Scharf Ph.D.


Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 2.0, Kristine Kiernan, Robert Joslin, and John Robbins

Get Your Bearings: Using Relationships and Data to Understand Your Unique Campus, Cassandra Konz


Recovering from COVID-19 Building Closures: Guidance Document, David Krause, Cheri Marcham, John Springston, Alex LeBeau, Robert Rottersman, Timothy Froehlig, and Bart Ashley


Workplace Cleaning for COVID-19: Guidance Document, David Krause,; Cheri Marcham; John Springston; Alex LeBeau; Robert Rottersman; Timothy Froehlig; and George (Jerry) McCaslin


Moving from Image to Narrative to Voice, Eileen Landis-Groom


Zero-Bias Deep Learning for Accurate Identification of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices, Yongxin Liu, Houbing Song, Thomas Yang, Jian Wang, Jianqiang Li, Shuteng Niu, and Zhong Ming


Suborbital Payload Testing Aboard Level 3 Rocket Research Platform, Pedro Llanos, Sathya Gangadharan, Nikita Amberkar, Isachi Halphen, Melisa Mastroliberti, and Michelle Munasinghe


Physiological Effects on Scientist Astronaut Candidates: Hypobaric Training Assessment, Pedro Llanos and Diego Garcia


Physiological Effects during Aerobatic Flights on Science Astronaut Candidates, Pedro Llanos and Diego M. Garcia


Set and Spike: Mentoring a Student-Athlete in STEM for Undergraduate Engineering Education Research, Leroy Long III and McKenna D. Gooch


2N-Dimensional Canonical Systems and Applications, Andrei Ludu and Keshav Baj Acharya


Experimental study of breathers and rogue waves generated by random waves over non-uniform bathymetry, A. Ludu, A. Wang, Z. Zong, L. Zou, and Y. Pei


Model for Building Diversity and Fostering Research Collaboration between Faculty and Students in an Online Environment, Kimberly Luthi


The EXOTIME Project: Signals in the O − C Diagrams of the Rapidly Pulsating Subdwarfs DW Lyn, V1636 Ori, QQ Vir, and V541 Hya, F. Mackebrandt, Terry Oswalt, S. Schuh, R. Silvotti, S. -L. Kim, D. Kilkenny, E. M. Green, R. Lutz, T. Nagel, J. L. Provencal, Tomomi Otani, S. Benatti, L. Lanteri, A. Bonanno, A. Frasca, R. Janulis, M. Paparó, L. Molnár, R. Claudi, and R. H. Østensen


Finite-Time State Estimation for an Inverted Pendulum under Input-Multiplicative Uncertainty, William MacKunis, Sergey V. Drakunov, Anu Kossery Jayaprakash, Krishna Bhavithavya Kidambi, and Mahmut Reyhanoglu


Application of Mounting Personal PID VOC Sensors to Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems to Aid First Responders, Cheri Marcham


Application of Mounting Personal PID VOC Sensors to Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems to Aid First Responders, Cheri Marcham


Facts About Mold: A Consumer Focus, Cheri Marcham


Facts About Mold: An AIHA Perspective for IEQ Investigators, Physicians, and Engineers, Cheri Marcham


Bias and Trends in Student Evaluations in Online Higher Education Settings, Cheryl Lynn Marcham, Ann Marie Ade, Patti Clark, and James Marion


Airport CEOs and the Decentralized System of Airports: A Case Study, Marjan Mazza


Employability Skills for 21st Century STEM Students: The Employers’ Perspective, Doreen McGunagle and Laura Zizka


An Analysis of Wildlife Strikes to Aircraft in Brazil: 2011-2018, Flavio A. C. Mendonca, Julius Keller, and Chenyu Huang Ph.D.


An Analysis of Self-Reported Sleepiness and Fatigue Measures from Collegiate Aviation Pilots, Flavio A. C. Mendonca, Julius Keller, Thomas Laub, and Sarah Wolfe


Factorial Validity of the Flight Risk Assessment Tool in General Aviation Operations, Flavio A. C. Mendonca, Allen Xie, and Chenyu Huang Ph.D.


Fatigue Identification and Management in Flight Training among Collegiate Aviation Pilots, Flavio Mendonca Ph.D., Julius Keller Ph.D., Michael Robertson Ph.D., and Matt Romero


Assessing Cognitive Processing and Human Factors Challenges in NextGen Air Traffic Control Tower Team Operations, Mark D. Miller, Sam Holley, Bettina Mrusek, and Linda Weiland


Implementing the REPAIRER Human Factors Safety Reporting System Through MRM (MxHF) to Meet SMS Compliance in Aviation Maintenance, Mark D. Miller and Bettina Mrusek


REPAIRER Reporting System User Analysis for SMS Compliance in Aviation Maintenance, Mark D. Miller and Bettina Mrusek


From Classroom to Industry: Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance Decision-Making, Bettina Mrusek and Stephanie Douglas


Digital Literacies in the Classroom: Authentic Opportunities for Student Engagement, Lori A. Mumpower, Cassandra Branham, Aaron D. Clevenger, Emily Faulconer, and Alex Watkins


Evaluating the State of the Adjunct Faculty Relationship to the College of Aeronautics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide, Narcrisha Norman and Federica Robinson-Bryant


Astro2020 APC White Paper. 2020 Vision: Towards a Sustainable OIR System, Sally Oey, Terry D. Oswalt, Tom Maccarone, Fred Walter, Charles Bailyn, Jay Gallagher, Todd Henry, Derek Buzasi, J. Allyn Smith, Rachael Beaton, Jim Webb, Brad Barlow, Misty Bentz, Leslie Hebb, Patrick Kelly, Jedidah Isler, Michael Meyer, John Salzer, and Simone Scaringi


Leading the Charge to Implement Strategic Engagement Initiatives to Capture Enhanced Online Learning Opportunities, Peter O'Reilly


Make Your Suppliers Greater Stakeholders within Your Purchasing Operation, Peter O'Reilly


Selecting and Implementing Best Practices in Sourcing Organizations with Limited Resources in Hard Times, Peter O'Reilly


Four Practices for Achieving an Effective Work Force- By Using Coaching, Mentoring, Empowerment, and Motivational Tools SCM Leaders Can Attract, Retain, and Develop Their Multi-Generational Staffs, Peter E. O'Reilly


Large Scale Upper-Level Precursors for Dust Storm Formation Over North Africa and Poleward Transport to the Iberian Peninsula. Part I: An Observational Analysis, J.A. G. Orza, Michael L. Kaplan, S. Dhital, and S. Fiedler


Beyond Low-Earth Orbit: Characterizing Immune and microRNA Differentials following Simulated Deep Spaceflight Conditions in Mice, Amber M. Paul, Margareth Cheng-Campbell, Elizabeth A. Blaber, Sulekha Anand, and Sharmila Bhattacharya


Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio: A Biomarker to Monitor the Immune Status of Astronauts, Amber M. Paul, Siddhita D. Mhatre, Egle Cekanaviciute, Ann-Sofie Schreurs, Candice G.T. Tahimic, Ruth K. Globus, Sulekha Anand, Brian E. Crucian, and Sharmila Bhattacharya


LET-Dependent Low Dose and Synergistic Inhibition of Human Angiogenesis by Charged Particles: Validation of miRNAs that Drive Inhibition, Amber M. Paul, Yen-Ruh Wuu, Burong Hu, Hazeem Okunola, Elizabeth A. Blaber, Margareth Cheng-Campbell, Afshin Beheshti, and Peter Grabham


Mobile Technology in Higher Education: An Extended Technology Acceptance Perspective, Dennis Pires and Leila Halawi


Unlocking the Final Code to Managing Financial Risk in the Airline Industry, Sunder Raghavan, Alfonso Canella Higuera, Maneesh Sharma, and Ron Mau


W-GUN: Whale Optimization for Energy and Delay-Centric Green Underwater Networks, Rajkumar Singh Rathore, Houbing Song, Suman Sangwan, Sukriti Mazumdar, Omprakash Kaiwartya, Kabita Adhikari, and Rupak Kharel


Infographic: Black Unicorns - Pre-College Access to STEM and Non-Revenue Sports, Kobe Reese, Leroy Long III, Morris R. Council III, and Sharnnia Artis


Project Management: A Natural Career Destination for Military Veterans, Tracey Richardson, James W. Marion Jr, Matthew Earnhardt, and Vittal S. Anantatmula


Language Education for Ab Initio Flight Training: A Plan Going Forward, Jennifer Roberts and Alan Orr


Employee Age and the Impact on Work Engagement, Robin Roberts


From Snacking on Diversity and Inclusion to Systemic Organizational Consumption, Robin Roberts


Let Natural Learning Arise!: Optimizing Organizational Learning Through a Customized Leadership Development Program, Robin A. Roberts


Psychological Contract Perception and Contractual Employee Performance, Robin Roberts and Stephanie Douglas Ph.D.


Near-Infrared Variability in Dusty White Dwarfs: Tracing the Accretion of Planetary Material, Laura K. Rogers, Siyi Xu, Amy Bonsor, Simon Hodgkin, Kate Y.L. Su, Ted von Hippel, and Michael Jura


Penn State’s School of Public Affairs Security-Related Academic Programs Amid the Novel Coronavirus Catastrophe, Alexander Siedschlag


Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Response through the Homeland Security Frameworks and Research Lens – Lessons Learned, Alexander Siedschlag


Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Response vs. Homeland Security Frameworks and Research: Masking the Whole Community, Alexander Siedschlag


Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Response vs. Homeland Security Frameworks and Research: Masking the Whole Community, Alexander Siedschlag


International Portfolio Prospects and Concerns, Dimitrios V. Siskos


Wildlife Hazards at Airports: A Practical Review, Robert Sliwinski and Flavio A. C. Mendonca


A Statistical Learning Regression Model Utilized To Determine Predictive Factors of Social Distancing During COVID-19 Pandemic, Timothy A. Smith, Albert J. Boquet, and Matthew V. Chin


UAS Detection and Negation, Houbing Song, Yongxin Liu, and Jian Wang


Safety Management System Implementation Planning, David Thirtyacre


Monte Carlo Simulations of Coupled Transient Seepage Flow and Compressive Stress in Levees, Fred Thomas Tracy, Ghada Ellithy, Jodi L. Ryder, Martin T. Schultz, Benjamin R. Breland, T. Chris Massey, and Maureen K. Corcoran


Engine Light Repair Shop Evaluation for a Brazilian Airline, Gustavo Henrique Melhado Trevilatto, Marcelo Miranda, and Leila Halawi


Fraudulent Transcripts, Edward Trombley


Methodologies and Techniques for Determining the Value of an Aircraft, Bijan Vasigh, Farshid Azadian, and Kamran Moghaddam


Shadows of Leadership:The Lived Experiences of Oppressed Followers of Toxic Leaders, Steven Walker and Daryl Watkins


Environmental Advantages in Additive Manufacturing, Analise Walter and Cheryl Marcham


The Intelligent Risk Equation: When Opportunities Outweigh Threats, Daryl Watkins and Valarie Denney


Collaboration Between Library, Faculty, and Instructional Design to Increase All Open Educational Resources for Curriculum Development and Delivery, Kelly Whealan-George and Anne Marie Casey


The Most Challenging Part? Selecting a Dissertation Topic for Aviation Research, Scott R. Winter and David S. Cross


The Impact of Motivation on Continued VFR into IMC: Another Perspective to an On-Going Problem, Sabrina Woods, Scott R. Winter, Stephen Rice, Steven Hampton, and Paul Craig


Cache-Enabled in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks for Transmission Performance, Jiachen Yang, Houbing Song, Chaofan Ma, Jiabao Man, Huifang Xu, and Gan Zheng


Nearly 30,000 Late-Type Main-Sequence Stars with Stellar Age from LAMOST DR5, Jiajun Zhang, Terry D. Oswalt, Jingkun Zhao, Xilong Liang, Xianhao Ye, and Gang Zhao


Two Portions of Sagittarius Stream in the LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area at Southern Galactic Cap, J. K. Zhao, Terry D. Oswalt, X. H. Ye, H. Wu, M. Yang, X. X. Xue, Y. Q. Chen, J. J. Zhan, and G. Zhao


Iran, Diane M. Zorri

Submissions from 2019


Titchmarsh–Weyl Theory for Vector-Valued Discrete Schrödinger Operators, Keshav R. Acharya


Action of Complex Symplectic Matrices on the Siegel Upper Half Space, Keshav R. Acharya and Matt McBride


UAS Flight Operations in Complex Terrain: Assessing the Agricultural Impact from Hurricane Maria in the Central Mountainous Region of Puerto Rico, Kevin Adkins


Bit-Serial Multiplier for FPGA Applications, Akhan Almagambetov and Holly Renee Ross


Recent Developments in Spacetime-Symmetry Tests in Gravity, Q. G. Bailey


An Explicit Finite Volume Numerical Scheme for 2D Elastic Wave Propagation, Mihhail Berezovski and Arkadi Berezovski


A Design of a Material Assembly in Space-Time Generating and Storing Energy, Mihhail Berezovski, Stan Elektrov, and Konstantin Lurie


Thermodynamic Model of CO2 Deposition in Cold Climates, Sandra K. S. Boetcher, Ted von Hippel, and Matthew J. Traum


What Is Humanistic STEM and Why Do We Need It?, Debra T. Bourdeau and Beverly L. Wood


Efficacy of the Localized Aviation MOS Program in Ceiling Flight Category Forecasts, Douglas D. Boyd, Thomas A. Guinn, and Thomas A. Guinn


Security of the Internet of Things: Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Countermeasures, Ismail Butun, Houbing Song, and Patrik Osterberg


A Numerical Investigation on the Variation of Sodium Ion and Observed Thermospheric Sodium Layer at Cerro Pachón, Chile During Equinox, Xuguang Cai, Tao Yuan, J. Vincent Eccles, N. M. Pedatella, Xiaoqi Xi, Chao Ban, and Alan Z. Liu


Infographic: Celebrities Endorsing STEM, Melanie Canfield and Leroy Long III


Infographic: STEM and Medical Careers Related to Sports, Melanie Canfield and Leroy Long III


Infographic: Career Competencies of ERAU Student-Athletes, Melanie Canfield, Leroy Long III, and James J. Pembridge


Guest Editorial Special Issue on Toward Securing Internet of Connected Vehicles (IoV) From Virtual Vehicle Hijacking, Yue Cao, Houbing Song, Omprakash Kaiwartya, Sinem Coleri Ergen, Jaime Lloret, and Naveed Ahmad


STEM and Sustainability: Creating Aviation Professional Change Agents, P. Clark, Doreen McGunagle, and L. Zizka


Field Expertise: How to Create an Effective Travel Risk Policy, Aaron D. Clevenger